Coco Growers Unite!


Active Member
So everyone, I'm in search of a better medium and REALLY contemplating giving coco a whirl. Right now I grow in soil using FF Oceans Forest. Which is great soil by all means, but I want something else. I've heard good things about coco if you know what you're doing with them. I have a lot of nutrients that will be useful for coco (calmag and whatnot) and really feel it may be a perfect medium for me.

Anyhow, I've been reading up on starting clones in coco. I plan on getting some coco and placing a few cuttings in them for my next grow. I've heard so many mixed reviews on using coco for cloning though, some say they have almost 100% success while many say it fails and is a horrid medium for such things.

Can anyone help me out? I was going to start these clones tonight more than likely. I have LK and other nutes that may be useful in small concentrations for rooting clones, not sure though. Anyone have any input? I am going to use rooting hormone as well. Would it be worth my while to start these clones in beloved coco?


Well-Known Member
if you can clone in straight FFOF than i would say you can most likely do just as well cloning into coco. i personally have always used a rooting medium such as rockwool or starter plugs which are much easier for some people, me, haha. if your already using something like i just mentioned i would stick with that and just do a transplant once roots show.


Well-Known Member
Organics in a drain to waste using age old organics and some cal mag+ 75% royal gold coco 25% perlite ?

Is it possible?


Active Member
Anyhow, I've been reading up on starting clones in coco. I plan on getting some coco and placing a few cuttings in them for my next grow. I've heard so many mixed reviews on using coco for cloning though, some say they have almost 100% success while many say it fails and is a horrid medium for such things.

Can anyone help me out? I was going to start these clones tonight more than likely. I have LK and other nutes that may be useful in small concentrations for rooting clones, not sure though. Anyone have any input? I am going to use rooting hormone as well. Would it be worth my while to start these clones in beloved coco?
I started mine in root riot cubes, used clonex gel and used a weak rhizotonic solution to mist them with. 100% success rate with the most lame cuttings youve probably ever seen which are now growing into really nice young plants.

You could use plain coco I suppose but I did not want to take the risk myself because the cuts I take HAVE to root on time. The only problem I see rooting in coco would be overwatering and the medium does not really hold together well until a root system has built up. You could end up with a boggy mess if your not careful. Scroggsy.


Active Member
Plants are now on week 7, should I start flushing them now? the hairs are about 30% orange now.

I was thinking of flushing now for two weeks or maybe just one week if the buds look done at end of week 8. Scroggsy.


Just added another 600 watt HPS. Time to move in more ladies. Here are some picks of the ladies in 12/12 for 4 weeks. Lemon skunk, trainwreck, pineapple chunk and white rhino. I sure hope they fatten up.IMG_20110518_141112.jpgIMG_20110518_150113.jpgIMG_20110518_140955.jpgIMG_20110518_141058.jpgIMG_20110518_141133.jpgIMG_20110518_145931.jpgIMG_20110518_145956.jpgIMG_20110518_141229.jpgIMG_20110518_141202.jpg

Well-Known Member
im thinking of switching from soil to coco. if i had water how often do you think i would have to water? right now in soil i water about every 4 to 5 days. the post are 3 gallons and my plants get to be about 3 to 4 feet tall.


Well-Known Member
Plants are now on week 7, should I start flushing them now? the hairs are about 30% orange now.

I was thinking of flushing now for two weeks or maybe just one week if the buds look done at end of week 8. Scroggsy.
any pics?..............

Robert Paulson

Active Member
Hey All,

I live in OR and would like to find a local place to get some cocco. Can anyone suggest a premixed cocco product or suggest a mix to get me started.

I run an ebb and flow set up, currently with hydroton. I feed four times a day in flower (strain depending) only when the lights or on. I love my smart pots and plan on continuing to use them but hydroton is beginning to really piss me off. If i keep the same set up what is a good mix of cocco to start with? will my feed schedule be pretty similar?

Any info on what to use, where to get it is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Hey All,

I live in OR and would like to find a local place to get some cocco. Can anyone suggest a premixed cocco product or suggest a mix to get me started.

I run an ebb and flow set up, currently with hydroton. I feed four times a day in flower (strain depending) only when the lights or on. I love my smart pots and plan on continuing to use them but hydroton is beginning to really piss me off. If i keep the same set up what is a good mix of cocco to start with? will my feed schedule be pretty similar?

Any info on what to use, where to get it is greatly appreciated.
Hey Rob, theres a guy on here called.... Don Gin and Ton....on here who uses smart pots with coco, look him up and drop in his thread im sure he'l help you out mate!