Coco in a Waterfarm


Active Member
I have done a somewhat successful run doing this with a layer of hydrotone at the bottom. Was curious on thoughts about doing it this way. My train of thought was that im used to helping my buddy with his dtw coco, so this way I could try to have the benefit of a rez and constant feeding to the plant.
I can't understand why you would want to do that to a Waterfarm.. They can be modified in several ways for improved performance., but that's not one of them, Its never a good idea to add any type of organic to a dwc .. It encourages all kinds of crap to grow in the water.. If that didn't happen, it only means you got lucky.. The hydroton is what adds the dissolved o2 to the water.. You really don't have to use an air stone.. Here's a couple modified WF's. that use a remote reservoir..

Thank you. This is why I was asking to try to find out if i was being stupid about it or not. So would your suggestion then to either finish these runs or rinse it and put it in hydrotone by itself and rinse off the coco off of the roots?
This thread is that WF run, plus a coco/perlite grow.. The WF mod should be in my signature.. That mod is a little more involved but was worth it.. The coco/perlite plant was only 8 oz using a 430 hps. It would probably be better to keep it the way it is.. The led grow in my sig is a diy WF in an igloo, with a remote reservoir.
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Thanks, yeah I got 6 ounces on my last run with a 400watt draw blurple. I have a power grower that i have as a mix that i cant change out. So we'll see the comparison then of the two with same flora nova bloom. Same type of light but full spectrum. One hydrotone one coco. Now im excited
I'll admit that my experience with coco is limited to keyboard warrior, but from what I understand coco does not require a dry period and so the constant drip (or maybe even a timed drip) should be fine. I found this: which would suggest that coco in a Waterfarm can work. Rather than asking 'can it work?' however, I think a better question is 'why would one choose to run coco in a WF as opposed to hydroton?' and to that end, I can't think of a benefit. Part of the success from a WF comes as a result of water constantly breaking up onto the surface of the hydroton, creating an oxygen rich reservoir. But again, back to what I know anecdotally about coco, it holds onto enough oxygen even when saturated to fully support the plant so maybe it's a toss up. Start a journal and try it out. :)
I'll admit that my experience with coco is limited to keyboard warrior, but from what I understand coco does not require a dry period and so the constant drip (or maybe even a timed drip) should be fine. I found this: which would suggest that coco in a Waterfarm can work. Rather than asking 'can it work?' however, I think a better question is 'why would one choose to run coco in a WF as opposed to hydroton?' and to that end, I can't think of a benefit. Part of the success from a WF comes as a result of water constantly breaking up onto the surface of the hydroton, creating an oxygen rich reservoir. But again, back to what I know anecdotally about coco, it holds onto enough oxygen even when saturated to fully support the plant so maybe it's a toss up. Start a journal and try it out. :)

just fyi! Coco by itself holds way too much moisture to be healthy for the roots/plants, that's why we amend it with 30-50% perlite. Otherwise it's a gnat and ugly roots fest
Here is the one I have in a power grower its been in there for 40 days and today is day 8 so day1 of week 2 20200808_133358.jpg noticed some rusting on the edges of the leaves, still trying to figure it out. Otherwise its going pretty decent.

Here is the new one i have thats been in there for 4 days 20200808_134444.jpg new growth is curling a bit. Raised the light, its at 20 25k lumens. Was at 30k

Ill for sure start my next one in just hydrotone to see how it goes. Also quick question if im using flora nova bloom, should i add cali magic to it or no? Since its coco and led
if it hasn't been mentioned, coco needs a certain amount of runoff so that it doesn't buildup nute salts. in a WF, you lose that capability since it is recirculating.
Ah Im used to helping my buddy with his dtw coco that I kinda just thought auto watering would be better then watering so often, Didnt think about the salt build up. I flush it once a week but maybe that isnt enough.

With the Cal mag. I just thought it was one of those that you put in since my buddy always adds it to his. Ill do next feedings without it and see what happens.

Still have alot of learning of doing hydro and using a waterfarm. I just wanna keep learning on how to continue making it better and be able to just get a new clone from my buddy on each run. Then continue to dial it in
I flush it once a week but maybe that isnt enough.
keep an eye on your ppms especially if they start going up

floranova is great stuff i think but a bit thick which makes it a bit harder to measure out. if anything, you''ll probably need just Mg and Epsom salts 1 gram per gallon is all you need to fix that.
I check my ppm and ph on a daily just to feel on top of it at the least. Interested to see what happens if I dont add the cal mag and see how they respond or if ive just been wasting it.
I would only buy FNB by the gal. if I had a lot of plants.. i use it by the qt.. Then i put 1/2 dozen marbles in the container, they do a good job of mixing when you shake it.. If bought by the gal, I decant it into qt containers after mixing it, then add marbles... When you think you've got a gal mixed, shake it some more..
This is a really good thread using FNB in a waterfarm.. Also using a WF with a scrog screen..
Ive gone thru scottyballs pineapple run before and gave me the idea of using FNB. Good call on reading it over again though. Im sure I will pick up some other things. Definitely gonna be doing the next rez change with just FNB and h202.

I have some of the smaller bottles that the flora series came in, just rinsed out one of those and pour some in and shake it up for a bit.
I got yellowing on my new growth and starting to lighten on the lower leaves. Im thinking its from getting rid of the cal mag and rapid start both have some nitrogen in them and just doing Nova Bloom is making this happen. Debating between adding them back or just flush and go back to flora series. Rather have the comfort of having the nutes change with the plant then using the all in 1. idk guess it also depends on how my one in flower is doing with the FNB. idk im high and want to make this work