Coco water/feed help.


Active Member
ive been reading that you should water coco every day as it dries out realy fast.
im growing in coco and have been having many problems with over watering, as my coco never dries out.
it takes over a week for this stuff to dry out and temp is 75-82 during day, 65 at night, with fan on during light only.
i want to know if i should water even if it is still dry because ive been reading treat it like a hydro set up, but surley that carnt be correct.
Help would be much appreciated, and any info will be usefull :)


Well-Known Member
Some treat it like hydro with success, some find success with treating it more like soil. I've been letting mine dry. Check my link , last couple post has root pics


Well-Known Member
in the early days of a plants life its best to leave time for it to dry out a bit to encourage root growth.........


Well-Known Member
I water and feed everyday sometimes twice a day with a 20% runoff to waste. Never have a problem so I think your headaches are coming from something else .


Active Member
my humidity in day is usually below 30 or mid 30's.....
so i have to mist alot to get it to about 45%


Active Member
when you filled your pot with the coco did you compress it cause from all the reading i have done coco needs alot of water, almost hydro.