Coke Bottle "COLAS" and i aint talking about soda pop


Well-Known Member
anything with a leaf on it will root.

i'd say 3 - 4 more weeks. you're gonna be more then pleased.

cool yea thanks for the good advice i will not chop until they finish, u guys are right i can clone it now i guess i should, i cloned the wrong one i guess, i cloned some at 6weeks last grow and they grew nice but looked like iceburg lettuce when they were trying to reveg from flower

ill take more pics prolly tomorrow of my setup cuz i better strat drinking soon the supy bowl is commin!!(excuse to get drunk:mrgreen:)

i got 2 dwc moms and in tiny little like 1 gal buckets dwc and they are 0 maintenence cuz u just fill with 1/2 strength nuted water i keep premixed like every month or so and have a tiny air pump bubblin 24/7 no more seeds to mess with your clones will be mature and ready to go


Well-Known Member
anything with a leaf on it will root.

i'd say 3 - 4 more weeks. you're gonna be more then pleased.
Interesting, the grow FAQ would lead you to believe that it can't be done. Thanks for the insight. :joint:

i got 2 dwc moms and in tiny little like 1 gal buckets dwc and they are 0 maintenence cuz u just fill with 1/2 strength nuted water i keep premixed like every month or so and have a tiny air pump bubblin 24/7 no more seeds to mess with your clones will be mature and ready to go
Nice, I will have to read more about it this summer.


Well-Known Member
yup just spliced up 3 clones we will see how they do they looked a little pale so i hope they have enough energy to root.

do u guys realize i have to go buy a bag of shwag now!!!! this sucks after the shwag this ww is gonna blow my head off when its ready. i refuse to pay for good shit:mrgreen: prices are so not worth it unless u are rich, $350 an ouce? ouch that would be $700 a month as much as i smoke, i purchase the shwag for like $75 an ounce and it gets the job done for $150 a month

self control:shock:


Active Member
Geez, so was it skinny during week 1-2 of flowering, then it blew up later? my first grow seems skinny, but hopefully they will bloom. that is, if i am correct about how it grows. correct me if I'm wrong please.


Well-Known Member
My eyes got bloodshot AND I got the munchies just from lookin at the pics!! Would it be possible to get a shot of the whole plant/s ??


Well-Known Member
i harvested one of the tops yesterday but a smaller one not in the pics. it was heavy as shit tho and tall and fat ill post how much it weighted, i think my cameras busted.


Well-Known Member
ya ill post some pics, i was kinda dissappointed but not really:mrgreen: but the buds are very light, i mean I bagged an oz just to see what it looked like and it was huge but weight an oz so I guess fluffy is good if you wanna sell it, I just let all my bros smoke for free:mrgreen:

plus i paniced cuz the first cola i harvested had a lil budrot on it so i chopped them all down and dried them ASAP within 3 days using a space heater in a closet. temp was like 100 deg f in there lol i may have over did it. but hey the shit gets you sky high when you smoke it.

heres a weird thing tho while i was trimming one of the huge colas it had some brown cripsy leaves on it, as i trimmed them i saw that the brown crispy stuff went all the way inside the center of the cola, that was a lil weird but I cut all that shit out. wish i took a pic of it.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you had a bud worm panda. I got some of those on my widow, nasty little creatures and very hard to find. I got lucky, and saw him peak his head out of one on my huge white widow buds, and was lucky enough to grab him and kill him. But the symptomes were very similar to what you mentioned.

Be careful howeve,r because after drying the bud, I found another one, and he was still consuming more of my bud.

Good grow mate<3