Cola development . . . Ever seen anything like this?


Well-Known Member
I'm using House & Garden products including Shooting Powder. Checkout the picture of one of my colas. Has anyone seen a bud develop these little clusters? I see some hint of this in other colas/buds but nothing as pronounced as this.


View attachment 1943934

PS. These should be ready for harvest in a week or so.
Excessive nute burn will make them curl like that, as well as heat stress the leafs start to get a bit crisp and curl up.


Well-Known Member
agreed, high heat. dude it took me forever to figure it out but once you get rid of your heat itll all be different. i had a fast nevilles that looked just like that. thats when i got it figured out, cool though right...


Well-Known Member
Probably the heat. It has been right under 1000w from day 1. It has always been the tallest so that does make sense.


Well-Known Member
amen! lol try to vent your light outside or under your house. anywhere but in the room. its an amazing difference


Well-Known Member
It's called foxtailing. It's typically caused by heat stress or possibly excess levels of Nitrogen later in flower


Well-Known Member
It's called foxtailing. It's typically caused by heat stress or possibly excess levels of Nitrogen later in flower
The shooting powder causes bolting like this. It forces the plant to grow when it would normally be done, so u get lil calyx towers. Not really a bad thing but can somewhat ruin bag appeal depending on how severe it is. The longer they are left the higher the calyx towers will get. So far shooting powder has made all of my strains foxtail a lil bit, just comes with that product I guess.


Well-Known Member
It's called foxtailing. It's typically caused by heat stress or possibly excess levels of Nitrogen later in flower

Yeah its called 'Fox-Tailing' and its usually either bought on by :As 'Abefroman' said :- 'Excess levels of N' how-ever it can also happen if the Grow-room temps are too high! Keep alround plant stress to a minimal and you shouldn't have this problem again :) ... The 'FT''s are still smokeable bud... but once you dry them they shrink BIG-TIME - STELTHY :leaf: