Cola mainlining stretching techniques


Well-Known Member
I have pulled my colas and topped them in the shape of an x and I have pulled them all the way back as straight as a line that I can get them. I have about six to eight new cola site branches that have reached up for the light on each branch. What I am wondering is do I start cutting the bottom fans off of them as they grow up lollipop ping them as well and leave them bare to the tops or do I let them grow all of there satellites out with the others and let them grow in my Scrog when it’s placed. Idk if I am making sense or not but I’m trying to pull all the branches up without any of them making a sucker branch on there lower nodes come week two of flower. I’m trying to eliminate my leaf to calyx ratio cause last harvest this plant was covered in leaves.



Well-Known Member
I already topped and manifolds the stems from two to four. Just instead of letting them grow up I laid them straight across and I’m letting the lower branches grow up into cola sites as well. Just don’t know if I need to keep the lower stems on them bare as I would the regular branch.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I didn’t think about that. I could technically bonsai and putt that I’m scrogg and let the mainlines grow outwards