Colbert will be the next Reagan


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else feel that way?

Like he's just got the same hair, and everything.

People love him, he's a republican actor :)

I mean, he's Reagan 2.0, right?

I wasn't around to see him rise, or be president though...
So anyone that has...


Does anyone else feel that way?

Like he's just got the same hair, and everything.

People love him, he's a republican actor :)

I mean, he's Reagan 2.0, right?

I wasn't around to see him rise, or be president though...
So anyone that has...
Don't get me wrong. I think he's a funny dude. But if that douche is ever the president of the United States I'll have to like give up and go into the wild and shit.


Well-Known Member
I can't bring myself to laugh at anything from Colbert. Serious, fuck another Reagan administration.


Well-Known Member
Hate to burst any bubbles but Steven Colbert is a character that is part of a TV show.
Here is a small glimps e of steven colbert out of character



Well-Known Member
My vote is for Jon Stewart. He's purty.
I agree Jon Stewart would be a much better choice of a politician he doesnt play a character he reports (althought campy) and is actually very cactive in fighting some of the bullshit that goes on with the world.


He wishes he sounded like my dad. My dad would kick Colbert and his dads ass.

So there it is. We need a colbert vs. stewart celebrity deathmatch to decide.


Well-Known Member
whats his stance on making Bigfoot and endanged speicies?
If Reagan could find Bigfoot he'd shoot him in the head point blank and turn him into sasquatch jerky.
This is true...

Hate to burst any bubbles but Steven Colbert is a character that is part of a TV show.
Here is a small glimps e of steven colbert out of character

Lol, you misunderstood what I was saying.
I wasn't saying that the character on the show would be elected.
And of course he says things he doesn't mean, he's making hilarious, ridiculous, republican claims. He doesn't REALLY want to enslave the homeless (as he stated on one show), it was a joke.:lol:

I'm not saying "VS Jon Stuart"
Jon Stuart has no Super PAC, he is not like Reagan...
He has no potential to BECOME president, and wasn't even related to what was noticed...
He wishes he sounded like my dad. My dad would kick Colbert and his dads ass.

So there it is. We need a colbert vs. stewart celebrity deathmatch to decide.


Well-Known Member
Stewart can do a good monologue but Colbert does a much better job on the actual talk show part where he interviews the guest. He is much quicker with his wit than Stewart.