plz SIR , i know the answer SIR me SIR.(with arm raised as high as poss)
flowering temps need to be between 25-30c 30 is critical max 25 critical low. if ya flowering in colder temps then u gotta up the temps with a heater or summet. or you need to insulate ya shed. eitherway if you allready got short plants i would be thinking about maintaining the best condirions for them to flower as in flower ya plants can double even triple in size if ya conditions are good. so yeah you want ideal temps m8. but as they in a shed they will benifit from the shelter of high winds n heavy rain ect. hope this helps. also i would induce flowering now m8. if ya have vegged 13 week then you should be able to start flowering. you only need to veg indoors for 4-8 week thern flower for 2-3 month if u start to flower your in sept then by end of oct depending on strain you could be 4 week off. as ur in a shed though i take it you got ya own light source ect ,if so u should be flowering them out now but sept is ok i guess if u maintain good temps in a shed. you can do it how u like under ya own conditions but if using the sun. they should allready be flowering. eitherway, i would start to flower em now m8 if under lights otherwise you may end up with very small unfilled / cold plants by dec. u wanna be maintaing temps best you can if it gets cold and keep the temps above 20c lights out. if ur using the sun during the day and the shed at night though i would start flowering them now m8 to get the best catch up you can ,they will double in size and depending on how many tops you got and how well u have pruned ect ect ect then you should still get a decent yield per plant but i wouldnt go for flowering them out though october i would try n get them started now so u can escape the cold cuz the cold can be a bitch if u cant cantrol it, and sheds are prone to cold spots and draughts ect so i would be trying to avoid the cold by flowering them now and they should be all good for oct depending on how well they have been looked after ect ect ect.