27 * ambient temp without wind I have sustained some damage. But in the earth I think your fine under your deck to a bit lower than that.View attachment 4678790
When/what temperature do I need to worry about for backyard grow ? Currently the soil is at 55 degrees. Cold weather and rain all day. Was pulled under the patio and covered overnight.
I got a Thermapen for bbq.. I’ll use that tonight and see what the soil temp is. Thanks27 * ambient temp without wind I have sustained some damage. But in the earth I think your fine under your deck to a bit lower than that.
buy a cheap thermometer with a outdoor probe deal (https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-us&q=AcuRite+Digital+Thermometer+with+Indoor/Outdoor+Temperature&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLVT9c3NEzLNk0pz6gyf8RowS3w8sc9YSn9SWtOXmPU5OIKzsgvd80rySypFJLmYoOyBKX4uVB18vxiFAjILyjNSSxSKCjKTylNLim-xMJxQl6h-7FCikEHK9MiVmvH5NKgzJJUBZfM9MySxByFkIzUotz83NSS1CKF8sySDAXPvJT8_CJ9_9ISEK0QkppbkFqUWFJalHqA9VHT1QuzF2w6KHyAdevhb2f-Lmn8e5_xAOuz63OuT9q0fKPYAdbni2fM2npiw3-fA6w37s3o_Hf01ITlQBVLH366sHrzs8WXgOzL65613lx45c4_IPvX2v3vj5zfPXcykH3m0rXnP7ZMBRn45MXppQdPd_yzAwBFZ5mmHgEAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjtsOumtt3rAhUJrp4KHXQDAK0Qlr4CegQIBBAG&biw=441&bih=739
So you can know what temp it is with the plant .
I set an alarm for 2 or 3 am to check