Cold Germination


I planted two seeds 2days ago and yesterday my power went out. The light/heat was off from 3pm to 10am this morning. The soil temp as of like 9 this morning was like 55. Im sure that the seeds frozes but if anyone could give me a little advice or just tell me there died would be nice.

Thank you.


Active Member
They should be fine. Think about it, a plant can drop seeds into the ground which survive over winter only to sprout in spring. The seed won't even need light until it breaks the surface.


Alright thank you I was just worried because they had already germinated out the seed and had 19hours of no heat


Well-Known Member
the soil its-self would probably have absorbed and retained heat anyway, it would likely have been a higher temp than the air.


Well-Known Member
In school we germ. seeds; cold light, warm light, warm dark and cold dark. Seeds grew in each way. Warm light and dark were about the best with cold dark the