Cold help purple strains?


Active Member
Okay I'm growing a purple strain right now (Sweet Purple Feminized) and what I've read is to get the leaves to turn purple temps need to be cooler, approx 50F (10C) at night, not sure about daytime temps.

FYI, My Sweet Purple is starting it's 6th week of flower, no purple leaves yet. BUT the colour of the leaves is so dark green they look purple if the light hits it just right, if that makes sense to anyone :roll:. Daytime temps reach 85F (29C) night time 66F (19C).

I'm thinking this low temperature rule for purple strains is a load of crock and the leaves will turn purple when the plant is ready!

Is my assumption correct? Has anyone experimented with purple strains at different temps?

- SB -

past times

Well-Known Member
Low tems do help them turn purple. I know from personal experience. It has the most to do with genetics, but cold does help. I would have to look a bit but I think it has to do with the lower temp effecting the plants ability to uptake a specific nutrient. The temps don't need to be 50F though. Low 60's are effective.


New Member
You want a drastic change in temp to bring out the purple in the buds.. So if you keep it at 79f during the day then you want to drop it to around 62 at night... the more drastic the temp drop from day to night and you increase the chance of purple if the genetics have it. Some people water them with ice water when the lights go out to help cold shock the plants..


Active Member
I heard some put ice cubes on the soil and water a little less than normal over the cubes. And this can boost the purple. Even in non purp strains.


Active Member
Thanks for the responses, I am growing a purple strain so this girl should change to purple. However, Paradise Seeds doesn't give grow instructions and I haven't been able to find any grow journals on the feminized Sweet Purple for an indoor grow.

If what "past times" is saying true, than I should be able to get the colour to change without dropping the temps but by lowering a nutrient? If it's flowering than phosphorous (P) would likely be the candidate?

- SB -


New Member
Thanks for the responses, I am growing a purple strain so this girl should change to purple. However, Paradise Seeds doesn't give grow instructions and I haven't been able to find any grow journals on the feminized Sweet Purple for an indoor grow.

If what "past times" is saying true, than I should be able to get the colour to change without dropping the temps but by lowering a nutrient? If it's flowering than phosphorous (P) would likely be the candidate?

- SB -
I wouldnt lower any nutrient... just try different methods of cold shocking the plant..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, don't deprive her of any nutes. It may turn purple with lower P but will also lower quality and stress her.
Some purple strains don't turn purple at all. Even with two purple parents.
A lot of times they won't change until the last weeks in flower. Just keep her healthy and she'll give you what you want. :D
The temp drop is the safest way, and most natural, to bring out the purple.


Well-Known Member
I have never read so much wrong information in my life.
Purple strains are not induced by giving them cold temps.
You are confusing genetics with low temp stress effect which affects leafs and stems , not the flower.
Some strains labelled purple dont show because you bought cheap or junk genetics.
Its so stupid how someone makes a wrong comment and ppl jump on the band wagon.
Try doing some research.


Well-Known Member
I've been growing the same purple strain for over 2 years now. Cloning as I go. I also grow in my basement. During cooler months 90% of my plants turn purple. With an average nite temp of around 58-60. Day temps 76. During summer months with higher temps in my grow room only 10% turn purple. Same soil, same nutes same lights. I've done 16 runs with this strain and low nite temps do help turn purple strains purple. Especially the last 2 weeks of flower. Here's a kush with a couple weeks left turning purple. Current grow.



New Member
I have never read so much wrong information in my life.
Purple strains are not induced by giving them cold temps.
You are confusing genetics with low temp stress effect which affects leafs and stems , not the flower.
Some strains labelled purple dont show because you bought cheap or junk genetics.
Its so stupid how someone makes a wrong comment and ppl jump on the band wagon.
Try doing some research.
have you ever tried it??? Your wrong on this one..


Well-Known Member
I also grow outdoors in the northeast. Last summer I had 2 plants finish early in the middle of August. Not any purple at all. My other plants were harvested mid October and were all purple.


Well-Known Member
have you ever tried it??? Your wrong on this one..
Yes , i breed and cross many purple strains.
You are entitled to your opinion , i have made mine ,
Advice is free, after all , you can take it or leave it,
Believe me if i was not sure, i would not have typed it.


New Member
I dont want just purple leaves , I want Purple Calyx and this I have with only one strain regardless of temps .. If cold temps are induced this lady almost turns black .. Give me temps lower than 60 and I can make any plants leaves turn purple but its still not purple weed ..


Well-Known Member
I dont want just purple leaves , I want Purple Calyx and this I have with only one strain regardless of temps .. If cold temps are induced this lady almost turns black .. Give me temps lower than 60 and I can make any plants leaves turn purple but its still not purple weed ..
They won't listen. They get an idea and off they go , no research or facts , me who studies it for a living is wrong.
What can ya do.


Well-Known Member
all your going to do with this info is herm your plant.
I've run over 100 plants with this strain and haven't had even one go hermie. How about in Afghanistan where my strain originates? Day temps average 80 + nite temps can drop down to the high 30's. My son was over there for a couple years and said the bud they grow is the shit! Funny he didn't mention any of the plants over there going hermie due to cold nite temps.