Cold Temp Curing

Last crop was dried in a COLD ROOM. This was the first time that the drying took almost 2 weeks.
(Usually our Crop only takes about 5 days to dry)
Is that normal for drying in a COLD ROOM? Or Could it have been a factor that I did the trimming at night. While the lights was off?

What is your Opinion?


Active Member
I dry in my basement, gets as low as 60 in the winter. It takes a little longer than upstairs. I'm sure it's an RH thing. A possible risk you run with longer drying periods is mold. Cold + relatively dry is my prefered range. Curing afterwards I put it in cannopic style jars for however long it stays around.


Active Member
I have tried cure in both slightly warmed room and very cold. My cure went from 4-5 days to just over 2 weeks with the cold room. I'm still not sure if it was the quality of the crop or the whatever but the cold cure simply smoked and tasted amazing. I was worried about keeping them moist for elongated time period but was great.


Well-Known Member
I gotta ask again myself, are your saying curing or drying? curing is done in a sealed jar.


Active Member
jars are a bit small for me but the method is the same. I use doubled up garbage bags. after about 15-20 hrs of drying on racks ill put them in the bags for 5 or 6 hrs and seal them up, then repeat. Lowering my drying times as I raise the time in the bag. Once The bud feels soft but the stems snap its ready.

Note: always keep them in a very dark area for drying and curing.

but yes I mean cure them as i am sure you understood from the method I described here. Which,i'm assuming, is what everyone pretty much does.

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
A cure takes time. It is about letting the moisture from deep inside the buds perspire outwards then you open your jar of whatever kind. Large or small. And release the moisture. Then burp the jars until the buds are evenly dried. Drying is what you do before the cure. Eg. Hanging to dry until they are ready to be placed Into jars for curing. Two diff processes. And I am pretty sure most ppl don't cure in garbage bags.
no im not confused, i had a friend of mine post this question cause we were curious at work and i told her to put dry and she put Cure. If i was confused i wouldnt be doing this for over a year and a half.


Well-Known Member
no im not confused, i had a friend of mine post this question cause we were curious at work and i told her to put dry and she put Cure. If i was confused i wouldnt be doing this for over a year and a half.
thought someone elses post was yours. Mah bad.