Cold Temps...


Well-Known Member
Basically I flipped my timer to 12/12 on the 11th of December, and we've had Arctic like conditions here recently which directly reflect on the temps in my tent. At night it was getting down to 0 degrees celcius...anyways basically they havnt even really started showing their pistils, and after nearly 3 weeks at 12/12 Im almost ready to give up on them. I vegged them for 5 weeks too, so its not like I was trying to flip immature plants.

Basically what I was wondering was would it be a good idea to just change over to doing some autos instead? At least until the temps pick up here again, I could give them 20/4 schedule which would keep them warm from the lights and they'd only have a night time 1/3 of which "normal" plants need so the temps wouldnt drop even vaguely as low. Opinions?


Why not just buy them an electric heater? Freezing is def to cold and i do not believe it will flower until you get those temps up. Why let this plant go when you have put this much work into it?


Well-Known Member
Was thinking about getting a heater, just I dont think theres any room for it in my tent, the plants are crammed in pretty tight as it is!


Fans inside the tent i would say yes, exhaust and intake i would shut off during the dark hours. May take a little experimenting, but should work well for you.


Buy a heat mat and place it under your plants. Atleast if you can keep the roots warm enough they will survive till temps raise up a bit :)