cold weather for next few days


Active Member
it's been in the 70's to 80's for the last two weeks but we just had a cold front move in and right now it's 35 degrees and the high for today is going to be 52 and it'll be that way until about wednesday. how do i keep my little babies (4 weeks old) healthy inside for the next few days? all i have is a regular 60 watt bulb in a desktop lamp. any help would be appreciated. thanks!

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU i hope every thing works out for the little ones get yourself a compact fluorescent Basic Fluorescent Info <<click on this link they will be fine indoors for a few days get the daylight bulb its in the blue spectrum better for veg groth,good growingbongsmilie


Active Member
welcome to RIU i hope every thing works out for the little ones get yourself a compact fluorescent Basic Fluorescent Info <<click on this link they will be fine indoors for a few days get the daylight bulb its in the blue spectrum better for veg groth,good growingbongsmilie
thanks man for the quick reply and i'm headed to the store in a few but i just wanted to ask does the wattage of the bulb matter cause it's showing 60 and 100 watt bulbs.


Active Member
yea get the highest wattage u can get.. check the lumens on it aswell if its there. i only have halide and hps bulbs so i dont know much about lumens. you better ask some else. BUT the higher the wattage the better!

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
don't go by the equivalence go by actual watts its going to be 27w-30w actual day lightfor 100-150w bulbs


Well-Known Member
dude if ur just keeping them indoor for a few days just go get a couple 25wtt CFL lights not very costly and works well...ur going to kill thoes plants with that 60 that puts off alot of heat if u get it close to the plants