Cold weather growing

I live in a fairly cold area (25 F- 40F). We got some snow but not a whole lot. I was wondering if it was possible to grow in this sort of climate. If so which seeds are the best at handling the cold and is there anything special I have to do. Also this is only for recreational use so I'm not concerned with getting the biggest harvest possible.


Well-Known Member
Magic seeds work the best. In the meantime, you might want to read up on growing weed or at least watch some videos.


Well-Known Member
Cannabis is a angiosperm, it can only handle tempatures down to 28(F) before it starts dying. I'm unsure of the exposure time at 28(F) I would imagine it wouldn't be a very long interval. Plus at those tempatures the plants going to grow very slowly. Even a ruderelis would have a tough time at those tempatures outside.