
match box

Well-Known Member
It's cold here and I want to know if the cold when the lights are off. Can it make the flowering speed up? It looks like there a week or so ahead of what it took the last time. Same plants or type. I hope some one understands what I mean.


Well-Known Member
My wife got one of these for the room case she likes it hot and i cant stand it. So i turn the main heater of and she runs this thing. When shebrought it home i made fun of her cause she bought it on sale for 10 dollars and i told her there was no way that thing was going to be any good.

Well i was completely wrong. This little thing has the upstairs of the whole house hot as hell. I could not believe how much heat this thing puts out.

So if your having heating issues cause its too cold, this thing is dirt cheap and WORKS suprisingly. I have bought one for me for growing purposes so i can have the windows open for fresh air in the cold season.;jsessionid=7EBDC2C210BD53E64EF67D30BAADA434#home

I guarantee you that you will not have a heat issue after you buy this heater. I think its 15 bucks but u can catch it on sale for 10 dollars.


Active Member
It's cold here and I want to know if the cold when the lights are off. Can it make the flowering speed up? It looks like there a week or so ahead of what it took the last time. Same plants or type. I hope some one understands what I mean.
How cold are you talking? IMO, cold temps are not going to speed flowering up, but possibly slow it down or cause problems if its too cold for prolonged periods. Try to keep your temps above 60-65F if you can. Preferably around 70-80, but do what you can do.

Different plants can have different degrees of growth vigor, more so if the plants are from seed.

match box

Well-Known Member
I picked up a small heater this morning after I looked at the one I had and found it wasn't heating any more. It never got below 66. The light on the old heater was on but the rest of it didn't work. That was to easy I was looking for a bigger problem. lol


Active Member
Lower temperatures mean lower kinetic energy which means reactions take place slower which means slowed growth. 66 is a normal night time temperature so it shouldn't have a significant difference on plant growth. The only good thing about cold temperatures is that it can bring out the colours of certain phenotypes of certain strains.


Active Member
I am confused on this, because factually yes lower temps mean molecules slow throughout the plant. Yet I have read through so many postings where it is stated that the cold will trigger the plants to assume winter is coming and speed up flowering with less yield and higher potency. So who is right? I am not gonna assume so would like some insight on this. Maybe it only affects outdoor crops...hmmm time to research a little.