Gilligans Island
Well-Known Member
Interesting response just like the other 50,000+ times.
TbonejackInteresting response just like the other 50,000+ times.
Kaepernick didn't start this, the media and flag jingoists did. He didn't say anything about it before the first time when, instead of standing he remained seated. Nothing was made of it until the third pre-season game and somebody asked him. He answered honestly and after that, the old white men had a conniption. It was completely his right to decide he wasn't going to stand for the flag because he wasn't going to honor a country that in his words:Love this issue for the hilarity of it. That sports has become so embroiled in politics lately (as everything is these days, it's becoming the modern version of religion I've been saying) to me somewhat portrays how politics have become sports in America. My team vs yours, and no matter what I support my team! Doesn't matter who the players are, what the issues are or even the scandals, if they are on my team I support them and boo the opposition.
As with Kapernick, I'm no autobiographer of his, but what has he sacrificed?
He has had a pretty good life from my understanding. He politicized his place of work in a manner that if any of us with jobs did, we'd be fired and rightfully so according to most laws I believe. This doesn't matter if you agree with his politics or not. I know that's a hard concept in 2018.
In terms of sacrifice in his career as a multi millionaire pig skin holder and tosser, where? He was an ok to decent QB from all accounts, certainly not a rare talent and thus not hard to replace. He turned down a huge contract renewal with the 49ers from my understanding, looking for a vetter deal or team and neither popped up. Turning down a contract looking for a better one yet not getting it is not a sacrifice, it's just foolish decision making.
Why no better deal? He doesn't have the talent to justify his divisive politicizing of the game Americans love in part because they could get away from said politics. That simple.
As for the Nike deal it makes sense. Adidas has been promoting cultural icons such as Pharrel in their latest a adverts with all star athletes. Hate him or love him, think he is good or not, Colin Kaepernick is a cultural icon in America. He will be very popular with many just as he is very unpopular with others. The big deal is this is a political cultural icon and not a relatively nuetral one in terms of politics.
Some might say this is a further attempt to bring politics into sports the way ESPN has become a political network that occasional does sports (jokes but some serious lol) but I think this is just a marketing ploy.... the question is will it drive more sales than it dives away?
Never said that.I'm a Pure Land Amidaist. Taco Dork, Olive Drab, and SmogDog are the ones claiming Buddhist have no soul. But then what goes to the Pure Land (heaven) which is dedcribed as having lotus ponds adorned with jewels? If you're just energy why do you need jewels, ponds, and lotuses? It must be something like a soul(jiva).
Probably dropped due to the orange clowns tweetingHey! DUMB FUCK....Nike CLOSED at OVER 82 of Fri.
Wrongo in the Congo Dude.
Nike down 2.69%
Entire dow down .26%
Nike closed Fri at over 82
That info is available right now on the internet
Learn to read a ticker
"Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything."Hey! DUMB FUCK....Nike CLOSED at OVER 82 of Fri.
Wrongo in the Congo Dude.
Nike down 2.69%
Entire dow down .26%
Nike closed Fri at over 82
That info is available right now on the internet
Learn to read a ticker
Hey! DUMB FUCK....Nike CLOSED at OVER 82 of Fri.
Wrongo in the Congo Dude.
Nike down 2.69%
Entire dow down .26%
Nike closed Fri at over 82
That info is available right now on the internet
Learn to read a ticker
And a third trumptard speaking out against sweatshops
Irony is dead
Yo the guy was removed cause he wasn't performing and caused problems within the team/ NFL. If you think some misguided opinion is more important than doing your job and being a leader, you are foolish.
Its not about taking a knee. Its about echoing spineless drivel this "QB" expelled, abusing his position to spread hate.
If Mr. big nosed football jerk really cared about "racism" Why isn't he speaking out against how NIKE has been taking advantage of poor asian kids for decades? How nike has polluted China for cheap profits? How many children have died in nike factories huh? What about the communist police force that suppresses free speech and thought in china huh? Naw, US cops are evil racists. Cops hate minorities, is his knee jerk answer to the world. Original.
If Mr. K really had scruples, he wouldn't accept that payoff. He would know better.
I doubt he cares about poor asian kids.
Good luck bro.
If you can read your own writing, you are the one using the logical fallacy of dropping a red herring about Kaepernick not protesting about all the other world's problems.Bro, you again? Got some more hate to let out?
Don't worry my friend, I can take it.
Bless you brother.
What did you mean when you said Kaepernick is a punk other than that you are bisexual?Another enlightening response from Uncle Bucky.
Your lack of vocabulary indicates you are a drop out. Never finished did ya.
Dude go back and get your GED and learn some new words.
What did you mean when you said Kaepernick is a punk other than that you are bisexual?Uncle Bucky read some of Fogdogs responses on various threads. While he may or may know what he's talking about it is obvious he graduated. You to could correspond intelligently with other folks if you just go ahead and finish high school. It's ok... never too late.
What did you mean when you said Kaepernick is a punkOnce again ole foggy comin to Bucky's corner.
Dude really? Your character is lacking somewhat even if you did graduate.
Im an old white man who supported him from day one
The problem was and is that the media corrupted his message (obvious sign someone controls the media)
Instead they made it about supporting the troops
As a Vietnam ERA vet, I can tell you many vets (if not thee majority) believe that war is a racket with us as fodder
Our supposed arch enemy is Russia. Compare their national anthem vs our warmongering anthem, which usurped America The Beautiful by the military industrial complex
Malcolm X opposed desegregation. He was a racist himself.
Nike stock getting absolutely CREAMED this morning since going all political. Down 2.69%.
America has spoken with their wallets.
Well, then good for you that you supported Kaepernick's right to protest cop brutality.Im an old white man who supported him from day one
The problem was and is that the media corrupted his message (obvious sign someone controls the media)
Instead they made it about supporting the troops
As a Vietnam ERA vet, I can tell you many vets (if not thee majority) believe that war is a racket with us as fodder
Our supposed arch enemy is Russia. Compare their national anthem vs our warmongering anthem, which usurped America The Beautiful by the military industrial complex