Collecting Resin.


Active Member
so upon waking up this morning, it came to my suprise that i was completely out of weed.
so i google'd if there was any better way of scraping or something that DIDN'T leave the horrible smell from boiling.
no good.
so i go to my garage, light up a cigarette and stare at my pipe, the inside caked with resin.
so i discovered something that works very well for me in collecting resin.

if you take about 1 to 2 pinches of ashes and put them into your pipe.(if you have a longer pipe put some in the mouth hole as well)
now push all the ashes down with a safety pen.
now begin to scrape your bowl.
take whatever is on your safety pin and scrape it on your bowl.
now sit your pipe vertically and tap out all the ashes from the mouth and bowl.

when i did this, a mound of black crumbs came out.
i got 2 bowls of resin and high as hell.
...oh, and i bought a sack. lifes great. :joint:


Well-Known Member
i've lost more secrets here. there went another one. good job. it does work great. cleans good and gets all the resin.


Well-Known Member
ashes? as ash from something that is burned? You have ash just lying around?


Well-Known Member
I don't smoke resin. Some nail polish remover and some margarita salt with a few shakes here an there and she is as clean as new!


Active Member
this sounds genius! do u mean lightly tap the ash in, then tap it out? as in smokin ash covered in resin...?


Well-Known Member
Throwing that resin out is nice when you're always loaded with bud, but there have been many times I have had to scrape resin and that stuff can be just as strong as the weed you've been smoking.

Sort of a shame to just toss it.

Knife hits work awesome with resin. HOLY FUCK try not to pass out...


Well-Known Member
Yea I had to smoke some resin bowls yesterday cause I was out of weed and it gets you very high, bought some fresh stuff this morning though:-P


:weed:yea get a coat hanger cut abit off (like umm 8cm),...make sure the piece u cut is stright and warm up the pipe then put the hanger in rolling the pipe making the hanger touch the walls of the pipe,....get a blade and start scerpping the resin with the blade and after thats done ur ready to smoke,....where im from we use the hot plate with a hot knife and tube,...for oil we use a hook made from garbegd tist ties,...i think u people call it spots or sumthing but we just call it uyara

oh yea its 4:11am almost 4:20am and today is April 20 2009
ya know wut that means happy 420 peeps im already smoking
ill smoke harder for everone else here:D


Active Member
i dont understand people who say "i dont smoke resin" or "i never smoke resin" i fucking love resin, sometimes my friends and i smoke it even when we have a baggie of pot right next to us. My favorite things is just smoking a bowl and both of us knowing we want to smoke more, but dont feel like loading the bowl again, low on pot, just feel like something different, etc and we just light the bowl with nothing in it, and get HUGE clouds of smoke coming out of that thing. One time my friend and i spent 20 minutes stright passing a bowl back and forth (quickly too) and it was lit on the inside and it was just buring resin for probably 30 hits each (you may think im lie/exaggerating/was just really stoned and it seemed like a lot) but we were just passing an empty bowl back and forth getting repeated crazy resin hits for a a good 20 min. we stopped cause we wanted to show our friend the next day and didnt want to burn all the resin. 2 bowl packs later and the bowl acted the same way. its not a big bowl too, its just the one we use all the time


Well-Known Member
Usually, I do the same thing as SSkimoj. But to make sure I get all the resin ( even the resin on the opposite side of carb), I scrape everything i can get, then put a small amount of water in the chamber, swish it around. Then put it in microwave for 15-20 seconds, small amount of water should of evaporated. This makes the resin collect in bottom of chamber for easy scraping. Place a napkin under pipe incase water boils over, and be carfull not to hit hot pipe on anything as hot pipes are fragile! Later ppl!