Collecting signatures in AZ? How can I help?

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So thanks for the link it was very informative! I don't understand how does a dispensary owner get rich if its nonprofit? Becaus that was someone's concern. An it looked like the dispensary had to grow their own medicine because they could not purchase it only except it for free from patients or care givers. An last you can only get a permit to grow if you live 25 miles from a dispensary. I could be wrong or I miss understood some thing can anyone clarify. My family and I have a deep interest because of Crohns disease in my step father an my back injury. He is in AZ an I will be going back if this passes an isn't a $1000 a month charge for mmj.
Hey guys I hear your complaint that your bill sucks but I say you just get it passed because frankly once your in - your in YOUR LEGAL TO HAVE MARIJUANA - the dispensary stuff and growing rules stink but that can all be changed in the future , the main thing your not going to get busted for possesing marijuana so its much harder to get busted even if u where to grow it and bend the rules a little. It is a step in the right direction for sure and AZ as well as the rest of this country just needs to get the most babysteps in we can and as rapidly as we can untill full blown legalization.

and for people worried they wont be able to get a card....oh if you want a card you will get a card, not every physician is going to turn down millions in cash to sign a bunch of mmj recomendations. We started getting doctors up here who do 5 minute appointments with no medical records required and its an 8 hour wait the line is so long, 200$ a person and they get rich quick while perfectly healthy little 18 year old girls seniors in highschool are getting their cards saying they have nausea or back pain or whatever, I bet some people even lie and say they have cancer or something.
As an AZ resident, Patient and Dispensary owner in Colorado I can honestly say the hoops one must jump through to even open a dispensery here in AZ is rather HIGH.

Also you have to be NON-Profit.

It's an ordeal. Not 100% happy with this bill either but baby steps is baby steps and people need their medicine. They should be able to grow their own, I agree. But in Colorado this has created an extreme abuse of the system and now people who are allowed to have 10 plants and 2 oz are running around town trying to sell 2-3lbs of weed to dispenseries. It's gone nuts.

Honestly, 100% llegalization and taxation is the only smart answer but our government would never be that smart! So we will make due with getting by providing medicine to those who so desperately need it!
Good page!!

If anyone is interested in attending!
August Phoenix NORML General Membership Meeting
Wed, August 18, 7pm – 8pm
Where: Armadillo Grill 1904 East Camelback Road Phoenix, AZ 85016
Free for everyone NEW people welcomed all the time!
No smoking at NORML meetings for respect to Armadillo Grill for allowing NORML meetings to happen