college campuses or in general


Well-Known Member
where did you go? what did you study? how much did it cost? was it worth it? do you wipe your ass with the paper you received? and well whats the campus look like?


Well-Known Member
There's no college degree anyone should be wiping their ass with lol. Even if it won't land you your dream career, there's nothing wrong with education for education's sake.


Well-Known Member
this is where i want to go. somewhere wooded. i could have gone to UNC greensboro or Appalachian, but all i wanted was heavey woods. anyone know where that sounds like you know where it is?


Well-Known Member
The place where my "degree" that I can use as T.P. (Radio Broadcasting)


Dont get me wrong there was plenty I learned there but it seemed like they were more about the money and constantly just hearding people in.

Now I'm at Michigan State (Political Science)


I think its obvious which one I prefer.


Well-Known Member
Just go live near a campus, and sit in on classes until they kick you out.
And try to get to know professors in their offices.


Well-Known Member
i like mich state. ive had dreams and visions(sober since i was 15) about certain colleges and areas of living. mich state is as close as it gets anything wooded has this air and feel about it. duke looks killer and grand rapids mich has one thats beautiful


Well-Known Member
its shiva.
and michigan seems like a good bet for some trees. uc santa cruz is great too