
Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
anyone here want to share their college experience? im 18, applying to a bunch of places for the fall of 2009 and im anxious. Excite me!

Advice is appreciated to :weed:


Active Member
join a frat---fuck whatever anybody else tells you---party!!!

Don't take the easy way out. Get good grades so you don't dead end yourself later. You may want to go on to post-graduate school. When all is said and is much better to give orders, than to take them.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
frat members have better gpa than the rest of the student body---you have to maintain a certain gpa to stay in. And when you find out what they are like you will want to stay plus it's an extended network of power brokers. Need a job an investment---call a brother :)


Active Member
frat members have better gpa than the rest of the student body---you have to maintain a certain gpa to stay in. And when you find out what they are like you will want to stay plus it's an extended network of power brokers. Need a job an investment---call a brother :)

For sure....frats are fun as shit. And its the easiest way to get hooked up with hot chicks. Join a good frat that has good relations with the hotter sororities. You'll do a lot of social events together. Most of them involving liquor....and lots of it. Drunk, hot girls. Nothing better. Delta Gamma's, Tri-Delts, and Pi Phi's. Those chicks are usually bangin hot.


Well-Known Member
It kind of depends where you go, but a frat could definitely be good. If you go to a big city school though, you won't have a problem finding a party or a hot chick to bang. But definitely check the frats out to see if it's for you.

Best thing about college is you can just be yourself. You wanna be a partier who goes to the club every night and recovers on Sunday? Then do it. You wanna triple major with a minor and do some cool research with a professor? Do it. You wanna play video games for a week straight with your buddies eating shit for food? Easy. You wanna do two-a-days at the gym and get ripped? Go for it. Seriously, college is probably the one time in your life where you can do whatever the fuck you want, whenever the fuck you wanna do it, for however long you want to fucking do it for. You'll probably never have the luxury to live like this again. Go ahead, screw up (and you will). Get caught by your RA smoking weed, withdraw from a class, change your major seven's all good homie. Let these be the best 4 years of your life.

This is coming from a guy who graduated literally a month ago. I've done it all: gym rat, partier, nerd, etc. Dabble in a little bit of everything and find your niche.

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
great feedback. i would rep u but im still not sure how to do it with the new skins.

It kind of depends where you go, but a frat could definitely be good. If you go to a big city school though, you won't have a problem finding a party or a hot chick to bang. But definitely check the frats out to see if it's for you.

Best thing about college is you can just be yourself. You wanna be a partier who goes to the club every night and recovers on Sunday? Then do it. You wanna triple major with a minor and do some cool research with a professor? Do it. You wanna play video games for a week straight with your buddies eating shit for food? Easy. You wanna do two-a-days at the gym and get ripped? Go for it. Seriously, college is probably the one time in your life where you can do whatever the fuck you want, whenever the fuck you wanna do it, for however long you want to fucking do it for. You'll probably never have the luxury to live like this again. Go ahead, screw up (and you will). Get caught by your RA smoking weed, withdraw from a class, change your major seven's all good homie. Let these be the best 4 years of your life.

This is coming from a guy who graduated literally a month ago. I've done it all: gym rat, partier, nerd, etc. Dabble in a little bit of everything and find your niche.


New Member
College was honestly crappy for me. I got great grades and was on the "Lists", I even did the whole party thing. It's really up to you to get what you want out of it. Don't worry about losing some semesters on trying to find out what it is you really want. I lost 2 semesters on a major I thought was for me.

I'm sure you will have a blast! Also remember to bag it!


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... a bunch of dudes living together in the same house... interesting. Not trying to say anything... but you know how that might look to someone. Or you could take the straight option and just party at the frats?


Well-Known Member
yeah frats are a bunch of assholes that do mad fucked up shit to each other
i used to sell E to frat guys , when i went inside yo they did some fucked up shit , a bunch of them pissed in a bottle of corona beer put the top back on and put it in the fridge and when one of the dudes came home they told him that the last bottle was in the fridge and the poor kid drank that shit puked it out and then laughed with them like it was nothing . I dont know about you guys but i would of fucking killed those motherfuckers if i had their urine in my mouth. i mean it was funny but its like come on dude , they take shit too far and i dont think i could survive in a frat house without putting someone in the hospital (if i was physicly able to that is , cus some of them dudes are pretty big) but thats just me


Well-Known Member
I just finished my first semester at Temple and this school is fucking whack. the campus is lame, the parties are too unless you know the right people. Philly is an alright city, but unless you can fight or your not used to hoods than go somewhere else; Temple is in a hood. yeah asides from that, pretty hot, rich bitches; rich kids, so there's money to be made; and great academics.

I'm transferring to Baruch in New York for the fall semester of this year. but I'm not sure if I want to follow through, I kind of want the experience of having a dorm room and going to parties, frats and etc. but I'll have my own apartment and my cousins live in the same complex that my aunt owns so I can live there for that's tight. I'm high and that's whats cool about college, you can be high or drunk or w/e as often as you'd like. ya digg? my major is political science..but I want to minor in philosophy.

College is a great experience. You'll learn a lot about yourself. I'm fucking bored and tired of typing so I'll say some other shit down the line maaaan


Well-Known Member
Im 18 too and im graduating this year, im applying to a lot of places but I have a 2.6 gpa and liek a 1620 on my SAT's, im pretty much a dumbshit ( I have tried really hard my junior and senior year, fresh and soph I was addicted to world of warcraft, ahahahaha, im in AP classes ect, but I still get shitty grades).

Im kinda upset I didnt study harder even though I studied pretty hard, now im gonna miss out on the college life, probably gonna go to a 2 year junior college then transfer over -_-

For all you undergrads, study hard in shcool, you wont regret it. I wish I had weed in my freshmen and sophomore year, woulda kept me off the video games and it gives me higher retention levels, atleast I think it does.

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
im applying to:

U Vermont, U Massachusetts Amherst, U Idaho, U wyoming, Washington State U, and Northern Arizona.

I'll probably end up going to Northern Arizona because Flagstaff is BALLIN.

And Northern Arizona is easy as shit to get in. You should apply.

Im 18 too and im graduating this year, im applying to a lot of places but I have a 2.6 gpa and liek a 1620 on my SAT's, im pretty much a dumbshit ( I have tried really hard my junior and senior year, fresh and soph I was addicted to world of warcraft, ahahahaha, im in AP classes ect, but I still get shitty grades).

Im kinda upset I didnt study harder even though I studied pretty hard, now im gonna miss out on the college life, probably gonna go to a 2 year junior college then transfer over -_-

For all you undergrads, study hard in shcool, you wont regret it. I wish I had weed in my freshmen and sophomore year, woulda kept me off the video games and it gives me higher retention levels, atleast I think it does.


Well-Known Member
I did really good my first two years, my gpa was 3.4 or something. My last two years were all about girls and I began smoking and partying. my overall, accumlative GPA turned out to be 3.2 or something like that. I regret that, but I did get into every college that I applied to and they were good schools. Loyola of Chicago, U of Southern California, Temple U, Baruch, and Hunter. I was even thinking of applying to NYU. I did tons of volunteer work, I played sports and I was in honors concert band, honors jazz ensemble, honors chorus, etc. and colleges love to see that on your applications. I'm also an excellent writer and my application essays were soo nice, I'm not sure if that's any correlation to my acceptance though. I did a semester at a 2 year college and I hated it; if you consider yourself a person of high intellect, community college could either be a complete cake walk or extremely annoying and a waste of money. I got all As there, though


Well-Known Member
And Northern Arizona is easy as shit to get in. You should apply.
Theres a reason why its easy to get into ...... and there is not much to do in Flagstaff btw AND some years they dont get enough snow to open up the mountain to snowboard .....
ASU on the other hand is a HUGH party school. Smoking hot chicks ... etc.


Well-Known Member
My words of wisdom:

• Visit colleges, dont just go to the 'easy' one or the one where your friends from HS are going...

• Dont change majors 8 times

• DO look into rushing a fraternity. It may not be for you, but rushing is fun, there's no commitments, and lots of free food, and fun

• If you do go greek, learn your chapters, there's more to a fraternity than 'greek week' awards

• Dont go back to visit home every other weekend

• Febreeze, and 'Downy wrinkle release' are your new best friends

• Do not think you can sneak beer in a backpack on a saturday night

• Be cool with your RA (or 'CA' or whatever they're called) I was an RA all through college, I defiantly had favorites, and it was to their advantage

• Don't play your RA as a fool, at my uni. we were very trained, even has a three hour session on pot, how to spot it, how to even make a bong out of household items LOL

• Be cool with your Profs, (same reason)

• Be involved, its fun and looks greta on your resumé

• If you saved money, or your parents give you a 'fund' at the beginning to start with, dont go blow it the first month... trust.

• No curfew is the best thing there is!!

• Really get along with the guys and/or girls n your floor, makes living in the dorms fun

• If you do go greek, dont move into the frat house at first, I'd wait till year 2 to move in (pledging while living there can be HELL)

Yeah thats about it for now, sure I'm forgetting some things... but yeah hope that helps yo


Well-Known Member
Don't live in the dorms!!! Better yet don't go to college, those hippie liberals will destroy you with their killer pot....just playing into character...but seriously if you don't want to get into trouble stay out of the dorms