Color issues, please help!


New Member
Hello everyone. So this is my first grow and things seem to be going fairly well. I have done extensive research and am doing everything as recommended. However a few of my plants are getting a weird color to them. I'm worried. They get perfect ph water and are on a good light cycle. I been using about half the recommended nutrients (technaflora) to avoid any overdoing. Please take a look at the pictures and if you can let me know what you think could be going wrong. Thank you! I'm using a supercloset with HPS lights on 18 and T5 for 24.


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My guide I'm using says to do between 5.8-6.2 it's at 6.0 now..been between it the whole time. Thanks for your reply Diabolic.
If they're seedlings, even 1/2 strength could be too high early. I usually feed seedling starting at the third set of leaves, maybe 1/4 strength if at all before.
That doesn't look like any nutrient burn that I've ever seen. Usually, nutrient burn would show early signs on the tips of the leaves, or a yellow/brown look to the whole leaf, not just random and inconsistent spotting like that. A pH issue wouldn't account for those markings either.

In my opinion, it is either light/heat damage, or the result of your nutrients actually splashing or dripping onto the plant. I also agree with the previous reply, 1/2 strength nutrients for a young seedling is still a little too strong. If you are going to feed it at this young of a stage, I would keep it simple with a 1/4 strength dose of something like Tappin' Roots.
Okay I have the superstar led version from supercloset. I ran into the exact same issue and ripped my hair out trying to figure out what was wrong. Your not doing anything wrong. Every single time I use there cloner to start from seed when they get to the stage your pictures are at they always alwayd have some brown leaves. Make sure your doing your ppm at like 100 to 200. You can do everything exactly like they say and the same issue will happen.
If it's okay I will just keep going on what I have found. This goes deep. Okay so I don't use the cloner anymore I just use a dome and tray and Rockwood cubes. No brown issues at all and that's even on there techno flora recipe for success. Since researching I have scrapped the techna floral because ph fluctuations get out of control because the reservoirs are to small a capacity for the root mass you will have.
I found out the hard way on everything and didn't realize there were threads out there that warn you about these cabinets. When you transfer to your main chamber all will seem fine for the first 12 hours or maybe even longer. Then it all goes downhill. The cabinet will start to heat up to 90 degrees even with led kind 300 version. I thought okay my outside environment is wrong. They say room temp could be between 68 and 72 degrees to keep perfect temperatures. ( airflow in the machine is the main crutch) and humidity will be so low that I had to install a bottle humidifier connected to a digital humidi state. They say to adjust your outside room environment to effect inside environment. I had to buy a 10 000 btu ac unit it and put it directly blowing against the back of the cabinet and on top of that I had to box it in on all sides to keep all cold air close to the cabinet. I had to keep my outside temperature a freezing 58 degrees to keep the cabinet at 72 to 76 degrees
And I thought fuck sakes whatever I gotta make this work. I'm from CanAda and it cost 4000 dollars in the end to get this thing shipped. So to continue. Everything is going good as long as my ac unit doesn't fail. Then you grow your plants to the appropriate height before flower and now as your plants fill up the third of the cabinet your humidity skyrockets. Outside room humidity I have as low as 35 percent and still high humidity in the cabinet way high. Going to mold if I continue. So I bought a mini dehumidifier and bought dryer packs to do all I could. Even the dehumidifier that is a 26 ounce a day capacity barely even dents the humidity. So now I have to go out and by a full size dehumidifier to cope with the humidity. And now being half way through flowering my room stinks. This thing scrubbso like 80 percent of the smell. I'm lucky I have a secret Jardin ten setup with a huge carbon filter you or 8 inch I think 6 inch. On a adjustable controller. That is the only reason why my room doesn't wreak like a grow room
In the end I overpaid for a unit that has so many issues and tweaking. But I need to make it work. The main issue is there stupid cpu fans that they use for ventilation this is the cause of everything. And when you hook up a higher powered fan then the cloning chamber doesn't stay at temp and humidity properly. But with dome and tray that's no big deal. So now when I finish this harvest I need to work on and invest more money into this 4000 dollar cabinet to make the airflow work. I have access to suppliers and I will be finding out the cfm on the fans they provide and at least double it or triple it or completely remove there fans and install my own fan and filter but you have to verify carefull because it's only a 2 by 2 space so I need to make sure I find something that fits
And switch to advanced nutrients to get rid of ph problems. But you will always have issues because of the small reservoirs. I have 3 plants per reservoir and I will switch to just 1 plant per reservoir. Also the tunes get plugged so easy. And all three of my eco pumps malfunctioned and I had to hurry and buy new ones to prevent root rot. But they do have great customer service and are sending 3 brand new ones but I don't get them until late the 3 brokenot ones are returned so it's almost not even worth it
Plus the fan for air circulation is not powerful or big enough. I hadon't to order a second one to set on top of the reservoir and I still have to defoliate big time to keep my humidity below 60 percent
Can't read your response right BusterV but I will be soon. Looks like a good response thank you very much for your time. I'll follow up shortly.
Let me know what you need explaining and I'll be glad to. I am getting good results now but like I said a tonne of modifications. Tent is the way to go or double door cabinet from or if you have the skills to do your own cabinet then he'll yea. I am going to build my own cabinet custom and try to order parts through growboxusa I am liking there new led light they have out. I think it's a 7 watt diode
Thank you very much for all that BusterV. I been waiting hoping someone else would comment and you exceeded my expectations. I definitely bought this thing under the impression it had everything you needed from start to finish. I want the best results possible but can't imagine making all those modifications. I will do what needs to be done as time goes on. I will refer back to your post when I'm getting closers to needed to do those things. Thanks a lot! I leave the door open a lot because the temperature will be around 90 if it's closed with the lights on. My exterior temperature is dependant on the outdoor temperature so it can be pretty hot unfortunately. I'll figure it out as we go..first time so I honestly never had huge expectations but obviously want the best. Thanks again!!
No problem. Let me know if you want I can start taking pictures and when I get home I will send a picture of what I have had to do to make this work. And when I find the perfect solution for ventilation I will send you updates as well. If you are in veg then the best thing you can do is remove your carbon filters and reinstall the fans back in but it's tricky so I removed mine and installed a different fan in. Then when I contacted supercloset I had to set everything back up to normal to send the pics and documents of what going on. We managed to get my heat under control bit my outside tempera ture was a freezing 58 degrees and 82 degrees inside. So as soon as I went to 12 and 12 I was freezingyoung plants. It's been an on going struggle.
But things are now undercontrol. Temps and humidity. But if I leave my bedroom door open and my temperate rises just a little then the heat goes up to 85 to 87 not good