Colorado Dispensary

Mary Jane enthusiast

Active Member
Alright... So, I'm looking to start a dispencery in Colorado. I've got pretty much everything ready to go however, in the effort of doing things by state law, there is one thing I can't figure out. How can I trasport the large quantities of bud from my grow site to my place of business legally? Can't a medical patient only possess up to 2 oz at once? I've been told by a few people that if your a care giver for multiple people than it becomes 2 oz per person your a care giver for. However I would like to hear this from a couple more reliable sources before I accept it. Thanks for the help


Colorado! I'll be moving to Denver in Dec. I have some friends who run a dispensary there so I'm intersted in this question as well. It will be SO awesome to be legal and help others.:weed:


New Member
Ok no problem just keep it on the plant. You can have three budded plants per person. 2 oz or 2 lb per plant makes no diffrence. Off the plant it goes to two oz per person. Iam a colorado med grower if ya need any extra dank. Ok thats my last good deed for RIU. Later and Good Luck
What is the deal with the medical marijuana laws in Colorado? I am unfortunate enough to live in a state that is touching yours (without being too obvious), which does not support medical marijuana yet. I was recently involved in a motor vehicle accident which has left me with permanent health issues and taking medication to relieve some of my problems. I used to smoke pot just for recreation but ironically i smoke even more to allieviate the side effects of the pills.
Is it the basic standards as California or is there more too it? Ive read many articles and websites on the matter, but i prefer to hear it from an actual person who has gone through the experience. Are there and minor/major problems i might run into that are not generally mentioned? Im guessing i would have to be a resident for at least 6months before being eligable?

Straight form the CO dept of health. It's still really grey if you check it out. They even left a huge loop hole "As much is medically necessary" which hasn't yet been defined by the courts. I read an article recently about a guy in Boulder that got busted for having too many plants and it was thrown out of court due to that very loop-hole. Be careful!