Colorado farm trip solo shrooms


Well-Known Member
Eat all 3.8.

Anywhere in the 2 gram range tends to fuck with me.. eat the whole thing. Ull be fine..


Well-Known Member
Some wud say that's bad advice

But my advice is go hard your first time. Because its the best time

Could you guys offer some advice to whether eating it or making a tea has any different effects. I hear the tea does wonders in reducing nausea. For the first time should I just eat them if the come up is faster and harder with a tea? Thanks again
I don't like the teas they seem very weak to me. I say eat them with chocolate or in a salad.. something that covers up the taste and hold on.

Also, I suggest a good diet and staying away from as many toxins as you can before your experience. Make sure that you don't eat anything that could upset your stomach, or anything too greasy or sweet. A good diet of fruit, nuts, and grains for a couple days leading up to your experience can help a lot with the outcome. Free your mind from negativity, relax, and make sure your in a comfortable setting.


Well-Known Member
I like to fast for a day before I take them, it tends to focus and involve oneself in the experience. But the truth is that any ritual will do, the more complex and consuming the ritual the better.

If you intend to be a real psyconaut, then do it right from the beginning. Note that Resinwhisperer has a ritual, eating pure good food for a few days. That probably won't make much of a difference, but his commiting himself by altering his behaivor in a way that he knows is healthy is a long step toward enlightenment.

My ritual is to clean my house top to bottom, even if I do not intend to be there. While I do that I am thinking about my excursion.

I fast for one day, morning to night, no solid food but again, that is my ritual. Then, if at all possible, I take my mushrooms (I just chew them up), lay out my cloths, comfortable, something that i feel good in and that makes me look good. And hop into the shower for a nice warm, relaxing wash. I don't like to be distracted by anything out of place.

By the time I get out of the shower I am usually just starting to trip.

Of course I have already put my music together if I am going to do that, put a few little snacks together, plenty of water, or some wine or a good couple of beers. I don't smoke anything when I trip but that is pretty much up to you, I wouldn't recommend smoking the first time.

I have a chant. I suggest you get one. It can be anything, lyrics to a song, a series of noises, a mantra. Own it, practice it when you are not high. You cannot use someone elses and you must never share yours.

If things should ever get hairy during a trip, your chant is your safety valve. It has saved many an experience for me andI highly recommend having one. Contrary to that relaxing song or tune, you can pull out your chant at any time anywhere you are.

Good luck.
Yes very good advice thank you all !

I spent a night thinking of a good relaxing chant, then in the morning a perfect calm choice of words appeared to me.

My diet has been very good lately, due to living on the farm, no fast food, greasy food or meat lately. I will fast as much as I can. Sunday seems to be the day of choice, if the weather is right and everything works out.

Everybody has been very helpful, thank you for that.