Colorado Gov Ritter signs House Bill 1284 and Senate Bill 109- Beginning of the end..

Thank you very much.

So if I have a dispensary owner that like's what I do, Said person can give me an optinal grow license, and with that license I can have an operation on my own location run completly by me or am I getting this wrong?

Who do I have to pay to get the legal advice? You? PM me and we can talk.

Reason is, I have had some intrest in my work and I am checking this out before I get in to deep.
Any help is helpful.

I dont pay for my meds except for overhead on the grow and my patient's pay 40 an 1/8th with no complaints.
But with this new law I may be well suited to go to work for a good dispensary.

My kids are to young to help with the work. Lucky you.:)

One last one. You said "commercial locations". Does that mean no more house grow's?, If so does that mean we will have to grow our outdoor grows on commercial property as well?.

Thanks for the info so far.