Colorado Health dept FAILED


The Colorado Department of Health FAILED on their attempt to limit the number of patients to caregivers to 5. This was a big victory for us. It was a 4 to 5 vote. After 13 hours of debating it concluded victoriously. How can a 9 person panel change the votes of ALL of Colorado.


Active Member
The people of colorado showed up in mass oposing this proposal. I heard that it was a major factor in the counsils decision not to pass that rule change. way to go!


Well-Known Member
i know im not in CO, but my buddy and fam reside in fort collins.. wut corruption in the first place in 04 when they changed the law without even the slightest panel deciding, restriced yall to 5patients? WTF, thankfully a judge tossed that decesion to the curb, and commen sense out wieghted that former ill choice yesterday sounds like.. I hope my state doesnt follow suit, in restricting more than loosening..


Active Member
This was to impose a 5 patient limit to caregivers and further define responsibility to caregivers - ie. make them do more that they should not have to.

I hear that they just reworked it to clarify that medical marijuana is ONE of the ways a person is a caregiver not just one of the responsibilities. And yeah they failed to limit it to 5 patients.


That could never pass. Has anyone heard about the Task Force shutting down Aurora Dispensaries?


All I heard was the police came in saying Aurora didn't want dispensaries in the city limits anymore. No notice or forewarning.