colorado help! winter air question! indoors


Well-Known Member
if it was an FLIR (thermal imaging) camera, they can easily pinpoint active lights better then ballasts, as the bulb/hood runs pretty hot compared to ambient temps. hot exhaust shows easily (like a dryer vent). hotspots lead the way. there are materials available to block FLIRs, but you have to line the entire room these days, unless it's a basement or underground.

can you identify it if you saw it?
the woman saw it not me, I just watched them driving down the street, if they're wasting tax dollars looking at my ass they're def wasting tax dollars and should look elsewhere, I barely have the room for the people who inhabit this home let alone something significant for them to be looking at.


Well-Known Member
fuck these bitches I say, wtf I'm growing with my 2kw at tops is my own fucking business. go bother a cash cropper.