Colorado just gave me a medical card! Yay!


Active Member
I go in with three year old medical records for a three year old injury and $350, 5 minutes later I walk out with a quarter of Purple Kush and Strawberry Cough. I've been caretaking for a while but just had yet to get a med card.

Yay for me!

Note of clairification: Am I still allowed to grow my three plants if I designate my girlfriend caretaker? It would be nice if she could legally posses but she does not live in the same house. If someone knows I'd appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
You can grow 6 plants, 3 of which can be in flower. the same rules apply to your GF, she can grow 6, 3 of which can be in flower.(at a different location) Congrats! It's a good feeling, I'm happy for you.


You can grow 6 plants, 3 of which can be in flower. the same rules apply to your GF, she can grow 6, 3 of which can be in flower.(at a different location) Congrats! It's a good feeling, I'm happy for you.
if you both had medi cards then you could have 12.. plus you'd be *sharing* grow space


Well-Known Member
You can grow 6 plants, 3 of which can be in flower. the same rules apply to your GF, she can grow 6, 3 of which can be in flower.(at a different location) Congrats! It's a good feeling, I'm happy for you.
The 6 plant allocation for each rec can either be cultivated by the patient or by the caregiver, not by both. If you are growing 6 plants for your patient, and you assign your GF as your caregiver, then she can also grow 6. Or you can grow 12 together as in 6 starts and 6 flowering.

Your caregiver can possess but not use your medication, up to 2 ounces between you. Caregivers can also purchase clones or medication in the interest of their patients, although some dispensaries have issue with this.

Just trying to keep ya out of trouble...and jail ;-)

PLEASE NOTE: I am not a lawyer, so don't take the above as legal advice...check the actual law for yourself. It's all right here on the internets :


Well-Known Member
"Numerous questions have arisen regarding interpretation of statutory language.The law does not clearly state where marijuana plants may be grown or if two or more patients and/or care-givers may share one growing space." ---from the State Web Site. Last paragraph here,

I encourage you to read & understand the law, there might be a few changes as well after July 20. I like to check the State website weekly to keep up on what's going on, lots of good info there. Peace


New Member
I got mine in april. I first toked up in 1969 and but for the time I lived in the west indes Ive allways been busting babylons law. Its sweet to get rid of pain and light up legal! Congrats!!


Active Member
EDIT: nevermind, caddy pretty much sums it up.

Yeah I'm not going over 5 patients until after the 20th, that's for sure.