Colorado Medical Greenhouse


Active Member
a baseball bat? i would definiitly bust out the chainsaw. loud and scary and dont forget to mention you will fertilize your plants with there remains.


Well-Known Member
They came back again , 2 this time , neighbor ran them off and called cops , nothing I could do , cops said they are putting on more patrols
let's hope so. Just because you are a MMJ grower doesn't mean you don't have the right to same protection from the police that everyone else gets. You should get more IMO. Your supplying medicine to more than just yourself...that should deserve extra protection.
Try to ignore the assholes in here bro, some people just are miserable with themselves and they have to spread their crochity ol' attitude every where they go. Always a judge in the bunch.


Well-Known Member
let's hope so. Just because you are a MMJ grower doesn't mean you don't have the right to same protection from the police that everyone else gets. You should get more IMO. Your supplying medicine to more than just yourself...that should deserve extra protection.
Try to ignore the assholes in here bro, some people just are miserable with themselves and they have to spread their crochity ol' attitude every where they go. Always a judge in the bunch.
dude, really, miserable?assholes? we're trying to comply with state laws while others flaunt/exploit it. you're from cali right? that shit may fly there but I don't think the good people of colorado had this type of growing in mind when they voted in favor of mmj. I feel for the op but still if you do this kind of grow you're potentially putting a lot of weed in the hands of minors and at the very least adults that WILL sell it to anyone . If your grow CAN NOT be secured from something like this EVEN though the fucking criminal ripper is the real perp then you should not be allowed to grow outdoors.


Well-Known Member
and lets face it. it's not the cops responsibility to see that your weed isn't stolen. how many cars are stolen a night, how many homes broken into? do they have the time to babysit your weed?


Active Member
My neighbors are pissed at the rippers , not me, this morning the old lady behind me was asking how many they took. My area is pretty mmj friendly.
In that case, I would invest in some 10' high chain link fencing with the 3 strand barbed-wire apron at the top. A thief would have to make a lot of noise to cross such a barrier and it would deter all but the most determined. Throw in a few motion-sensitive lights to rattle those foolish enough to try. Do it until the price drops to the point where you no longer have a cool 1/4 mil worth of weed in your yard. Alternately, move to the high desert where there are no rippers, anarchy is tenable, and Jung is still in vogue.
What are you doing when these things are happning brotha? Dude sleep out back... better yet dont sleep! Peace and good luck.. Be Proactive not reactive!


Well-Known Member
no shit. try to help educate others, so they don't make the same mistakes, or try to make a point about being a friendly neighbor and all the lil wanna bes licking the OPs balls come running out to cry 'your an asshole, your a narc, your a whatever I can think of this moment'. get real and grow the fuck up.

I love how folks feel like they can trample on the rights of others, but feel all high and mighty when someone tramples on theirs.

and you are right, not neccessarily our place to judge for what he decides .... but every time one of these grosely out of compliance grows gets busted, it ends up in another news story on why MMJ should NOT be legal, since people can't seem to keep it out of the hands of those who shouldn't have it (like my 14yr old).

again .... there is no 'common sense' anymore it seems ......

Good Luck to the OP, I hope you beat the BS. maybe this situation will help in future grows.

to the other dicks who are all 'high and mighty' ... go suck a phatty and relax. name calling just makes you look like the lil kids you are, licking the OPs balls, since you can't make any other valid arguments.


Well-Known Member
lol. i've ran everything from a cabinet size to a commercial warehouse with 1000+ plants and 30+ strains - i kept my shit in order and never had a problem with inspectors. the only thing I'm mad at, is when people think that just because they can grow and smoke some plants legally, that they have the right to intrude on others. do you smoke cigarettes and blow it in the face of those that don't? ever lived or worked next to a facility/grow that exudes smells day and night? I'd guess not. try a coffee roaster, or a crematorium ... or since you like natural sources, how about living next to a dairy ..... great smells to live with. cannabis is no different - u want to live next door and have your kids' room reaking like skunk all day? seriously, you peope need to pull your heads out of your ass and have some 'common courtesy' ... guess it isn't so common any more, just like 'common sense', a serious lack of that these days. then someone points it out, hoping others won't make the same mistakes and suddenly they are the asshole.

hear the ringing in the back of your head? it's the clue phone, answer it

So you are saying you should not grow roses either .....:wall:


Well-Known Member
no shit. try to help educate others, so they don't make the same mistakes, or try to make a point about being a friendly neighbor and all the lil wanna bes licking the OPs balls come running out to cry 'your an asshole, your a narc, your a whatever I can think of this moment'. get real and grow the fuck up.

I love how folks feel like they can trample on the rights of others, but feel all high and mighty when someone tramples on theirs.

and you are right, not neccessarily our place to judge for what he decides .... but every time one of these grosely out of compliance grows gets busted, it ends up in another news story on why MMJ should NOT be legal, since people can't seem to keep it out of the hands of those who shouldn't have it (like my 14yr old).

again .... there is no 'common sense' anymore it seems ......

Good Luck to the OP, I hope you beat the BS. maybe this situation will help in future grows.

to the other dicks who are all 'high and mighty' ... go suck a phatty and relax. name calling just makes you look like the lil kids you are, licking the OPs balls, since you can't make any other valid arguments.
You're the only one straddling the ops dick, holding on to the tip for dear life n shit ..

You're saying the same thing over and over again.

Why don't you kick rocks so he can continue his grow journal for those of us actually interested in how things are going.

Don't you have a huge indoor grow op to tend to ?


Well-Known Member
lol, u all crack me up, but i'll leave the OP to his thread, I made my point and there are some oblivous folks here that will NEVER get it.

yeah, as stated ... *ran* ... as in gone .... shut down .... guess you people only read what suits your situation. good luck with life, you'll need it.


Well-Known Member
how much you think roses gonna bring at the local high school? jesus

Read the whole thread before you comment!
Eyecandi said the smell of growing marijuana is offensive to the op's neighbor's.
So then according to his reasoning roses would be offensive to some neighbor's also.


Well-Known Member
if that makes any sense at all...anything, with any kind of smell would or could be considered offencive....sheesh what a bunch of cry babies...


Well-Known Member
if that makes any sense at all...anything, with any kind of smell would or could be considered offencive....sheesh what a bunch of cry babies...
My neighbors are vegans
I BBQ'D today and the wind was blowing in their direction ...

I'm such a bad neighbor :-P


Well-Known Member
my septic tank overflowed....I guess I deserve a prison sentence! somebody call the cops on me hurry!!


Well-Known Member
They came back twice last night, it's been 6 days living on the front line. They are trying my neighbor to the south now and that fence. Cops gave chase 2 nights ago , they got away. They have tried for 6 days in a row and I'm sure wont give up. Cops said they were trying to take over an empty house down the street to work from, said they arrested 4 teens this summer , part of the same gang trying to hit us. I will fight to the death to save what I have left.