Colored Seeds?


Well-Known Member
So, I was browsing around and saw Greenhouse and a couple other breeders offered colored seeds. They boasted that the coloring process helps preserve the seed, but I find that hard to believe.

Has anyone actually experienced a better germination rate with colored seeds? For that matter, has anyone noticed a difference at all between colored and regular seeds?

I just bought a pack for the hell of it, plus I like the idea that I can get a variety of seeds without needing to do pick n mix. And I'll admit I think they look pretty cool. I'll be sure to post anything I notice that sets them apart, but has anyone ever bought colored seeds before?


honestly some seeds already have problems getting the shell to pop off after germination so i could just imagine you would have a lower germination rate......but its probably just some thin ass paint lol


Well-Known Member
I watched their video and it's basically just using some already existing technology. Other seed companies have been releasing colored seeds for years, but I guess Greenhouse et. al were the first to do it to cannabis seeds.

Besides, it's unlikely that 5 supposedly "hand-selected" seeds would fail to germ. Word would eventually have gotten out about that by now.


Well-Known Member
According to Greenhouse's website, yes it does. They tout it as a protective coating to preserve the seeds for longer periods before germination. I guess it's kind of like a foil wrapper for a candy bar.

kether noir

Well-Known Member
i had 4 SSH not germ, one did. and 3 out of 5 SLH did germ. im not too impressed with greenhouse. but that is me. i have some beans from: mr nice, barneys farm, tga, kannabia, nirvana, royal queen, & bag seeds. they all had a better germ rate. then the greenhouse. just my experience

edit: the greenhouse beans that did germ are now looking great.....except one of the SLH, is a runt and is a bit retarded, we will see how she turns out. shes trying. superthrive helped her, it seems......this cannaloupe haze makes me very talkative and ramble alot. like a taco inside a taco, for flavored kisses. taco flavored kisses.


Well-Known Member
It seems like the color itself wouldn't do much. I honestly just bought them because it was a variety pack, and they look pretty effin cool.