Oh wow thats pretty crazy i never clicked on the pics before but now i see that the one that happened 2 weeks later got really effected by the unknown pathogen or something but mines not nearly as vibrant i mean if she smokes good and you dont get anything that feels off when you harvest it smell or anything then i think it should be fine as long as its non toxic and if thats the case it will make it more eye appealing to have so maybe we are just lucky aha? Idk ill have to see what your others look like ans if it seems ro spread i messed up last post i didnt realise but im only in week 4 as of 2 days ago so i might see it increase when they fatten up around the end of the week or during week 5 or 6 im not sure how this strain reacts outdoors because this is my first grow and im just trying to figure out whats going on with my girls i wouldnt be taking a major loss considering its only on one plant anyways but i worry for you if its unsafe for consumption... I dont know what you belive in and if you know about how some people belive in the government trying to fight things chemically and still secertly ever heard of chem trails? Well anyways its worth the research basically people out there think our food is being poisoned in tiny doeses by airplanes that spread a chemical trail in the sky thats why you see those white lines and shit from behind planes its them droping the chemicals over the land but anyways i belive that it could be true and i have no way of proving it so lets say that it is true and if so then what would stop out government from still trying to control the way people grow we all know that want only legal operations or people can have 4 here in canada but what if they were dropping a specific pathogen this yesr for legalisation because they knew lots of people would grow this year and they want control i mean ive been to the dispensarys here its bullshit i can get an ounce from my personal grower for 100 bucks or i go there and get a half qaurter for 80 dollars they are trying to up market like crazy and its not workikg so think maybe this is there way of retaliation?