Colour and Incorrectly Flushed Weed? [Pics inside]

Hey guys, wanted to ask about weed colour/flushing. I buy Durban poison from an African dealer (I use Silk road FYI) and he states that his grow is 100% natural; "Weed in Africa is seasonal, so the quality, seed content and density varies. The upside however, is it free of chemicals and pesticides, and it is not force grown indoors. "However, last smoke up I used a pipe and payed close attention to the colour of the ash. I was shocked by its darkness and density. The bowl also became difficult to keep burning as soon as the weed turned into this black colour. As I have come to realize, this is a good sign of leftover fertilizer salts, natural compounds and/or chemical compounds. Supposedly, there should be a fluffy white ash if the bud is clean. Then again, I am not the most experienced toker and might just be not smoking until it achieves the white/grey characteristic. To be honest, it looks more like black bud than ash... ash would be more powdery and not so dense. What should this black ash actually feel/look like if it were bad?I emptied the contents of my last bowl when I noticed it wasn't hitting as well and it developed the black colour. Can you guys determine if this is bad or good based on these pictures?


i got told if u rub the ash into your fingers and its nice and smooth that its qood quality i may be wrong tho


Active Member
He's asking about the color and texture of the ash in regards to leftover ferts/nutes...thats why he posted smoked weed.

OP sorry I cant be more help. I would judge it more by the smoke - how smooth or harsh, taste, gets you high, etc - and worry less about the ash


Well-Known Member
Imo thats only half burnt. Any plant material is going to turn black when you burn it... Thats just common sense, now the final ash color if white is just indacative of a good clean smoke.. Doesnt necissarily make it bad. Organics/soil grown really doesnt need flushing. Thats more of a hydro synthetic chem thing. Some of the shit i see on this site is just silly. Fuck in my day we where extatic if we got shit that wasnt half stems n seeds.Like the dude posting pick of some straight dank asking if he got ripped off. If its not compressed into a brick and you got a fair price and it does its job, for the love of god man quit bitching. My .02


Well-Known Member
You're buying from the silk road you may have a hunch but you'll probably never really know what your getting


Active Member
looks dirty still i think your guys fibs a little. i have come to notice you get "ash" like that when 1 the buds not completely dry, 2 you get a wonderful green hit and then it goes down hill from there, 3 its not clean and all organic couple tokes after that green hit you should have had a taste in your mouth/ throat that told you that its not clean. Durban poison is great med it does numbers so it will be kinda hard to tell taste and sense wise what was going on cause you still got blitzed. hope this helps