Comacast Monitoring My Internet Use?

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter. If they ask you have wireless. They aren't gonna send someone out to check lol. Unplug your net so they can't ping your router to see for WiFi and tell em you ain't plugging it back in until they resolve it. You need to learn to be's sad.
Have a look at this:

Read it. Learn it. Live by it. Set this up right and the receiving address of your download will be listed as the first proxy server it hits. Here at gromore central I run an external proxy, an internal proxy, and a blind WI-FI network set up on it's own subnet. How do I know about this? Let's just say that the best locks in the world are always built by safe crackers. What this will do is sever the link in the paperwork that will lead the RIAA/MPAA goon to your ISP, and therefore yourself. What they'll be left with is having to pound on the door of some datacenter in the middle of Bangaladesh or some other god forsaken third world hell hole to find out who you are.

There's a lot more for you to look at as well. Web search the terms "safe surfing" or "anonymous security". You wouldn't start a grow room in your front yard, so why are you doing the same with this???

Make no mistake. You ARE being watched. The stuff you're downloading IS being tracked. What you type here WILL be read by people whom you wouldn't consider to be friends. Act accordingly.