come check out my grow room and my girls


Well-Known Member
this is a video of my grow at 7 weeks...

the room, as it sits, will be my veg room after this harvest as i plan to expand to a 4000w flower room, set up in similar fashion to the current room...

anyways... i thought i'd share the grow with you all.. sorry, im not cool enough to post the video in this thread.. but here's a link


Well-Known Member
hell ya dude thats bad ass i would love to have a big ass setup like that i kno how to grow but dont think i would have the time for that much right now.. hopfully when i get my own place in a year i will right now i grow at my parents house they dont mind as long as i give em some bud hahah

but all in all great fuckin setup and good lookin buds


New Member
wow would love to have the room and balls you have to grow something like this!! very nice man!


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone...

1 week until chop.. about a month until the new setup is ready to go.. ill have a new video then to show off the grow as it should be bongsmilie

thanks for posting the vid ND...