Come here if u hate cfls

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Well-Known Member
There were no cfl's in 77' when I moved indoors. I'm not sure, but hps and mh may not have been around then either . . . I never looked.
Plain, old shoplights was all I knew of, and I've learned to milk them for all they are worth, grow-wise. I can't see me vegging under anything else.

I just don't "get" the cfl thing . . . seems to me, besides all that heat, wires and sockets and crap would be everywhere! I do think I may employ a couple/few on the floor around my plants that are under my shoppers . . . 'cuz I have no heat up in my grow areas and live in Montana, and the cfl's will add the few degrees I need to keep my plants from temp growth stopage due to cold.


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1527245]why cant u guys get over CFL's? if you dont like em, or dont want to use then ok, dont, whats the point of coming on here bitching about them or people who use them, this is a site for growing marijuana, and obvisouly whatever light people use works so leave it at that, your supposed to be helping peiople out instead of talkin shit or putting them down, people have there pwn prefrences wether its useing them because they like to or because they cant use anything thing else, most eople on here dont have the room or set up for those better lights, so on that note, hopefully it gets through some those hard headed people[/quote]

+rep just for the common fucking sense ;-)


Well-Known Member
Wow that's very mature lmao

It's a fuckin' bulb; don't be a douche about it. You can't state your opinion in a more constructive way? Why would anyone take you seriously?


Well-Known Member
My grow uses MH, HPS and CFL. All have their place.

IMHO, CFLs are ideal for seedlings, clones, and mother plants.


Well-Known Member
That's right johnny! When I have my own constant grow I want to use MH for flower, and t5 for veg. To each his own. Good luck to all the cfl users out there, but I do agree that HPS or MH is better for GPW. CFL's do have their place - awesome for a personal grow. Peace.


Well-Known Member
how can someone HATE CFL's!?

do those people hate people thats growing with CFL's?

fucked up. i love CFL's.


Well-Known Member
cfls are the future of household lighting. edison would shit his pants. cfls are an energy miracle. all lights in my grow house are 13 watts.and i veg with them. 4 45 watt 6500 k cfls theyre so goddamn big its not even funny. but i flower under my new 400 watt mh. cost me 454 dollars
but the digital conversion ballast i got was cheaper than a regualr magnetic ballast


Well-Known Member
cfl and fluorescent tubes are great for cloning, seedlings,and supplemental grow and bud light- if one had enough you could probably veg. and possibly grow decent bud-its all about lumens I think- lose the attitude have another toke and mellow out

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1527245]why cant u guys get over CFL's? if you dont like em, or dont want to use then ok, dont, whats the point of coming on here bitching about them or people who use them, this is a site for growing marijuana, and obvisouly whatever light people use works so leave it at that, your supposed to be helping peiople out instead of talkin shit or putting them down, people have there pwn prefrences wether its useing them because they like to or because they cant use anything thing else, most eople on here dont have the room or set up for those better lights, so on that note, hopefully it gets through some those hard headed people[/quote]

Word SICC, love the new avatar! I wanna join the Green Cross :mrgreen:

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
cfls are the future of household lighting. edison would shit his pants. cfls are an energy miracle. all lights in my grow house are 13 watts.and i veg with them. 4 45 watt 6500 k cfls theyre so goddamn big its not even funny. but i flower under my new 400 watt mh. cost me 454 dollars
but the digital conversion ballast i got was cheaper than a regualr magnetic ballast
Couldn't have said it better myself, nothing better for a stealth grow than CFLs!


Well-Known Member
Haha, Benzo just left me a neg rep saying "n***er lover", wonder how he got to that conclusion from my post in this thread but okay dokay! :lol: :peace:


New Member
Hey - rep for you. Just because you don't agree is no need to start insulting people you don't even know. I'd like to point out that this forum is for people who are 18 years old and up. Please hit the road until you are at least out of junior high. Buh-bye........ :finger:

i just want to let everyone know throw away those fuckin cfls or tubes there nothing and i know from expierence i dont use those dam things 4 any part of my grow HPS all the way FUCK YEAH!!

the Rollitup Cfl Crew are so wrong+stupid and are misleading

sscrew every single member of RCC you guys are gay:finger:


Well-Known Member
I received this drive-by:

In response to this post:
My grow uses MH, HPS and CFL. All have their place.

IMHO, CFLs are ideal for seedlings, clones, and mother plants.
Wow! Just fucking wow!

Dude, whoever you are, you need to stop drinking your bathwater. Mr. Bubble is probably non-toxic, but that does not mean it's champagne.

Better stick to making jacuzzi fart bubbles in the tub while playing with the rubber ducky and toy battleships.

Next time leave your name. This is the internet and I cannot hurt you. Only whiny-pussy, crybaby, cowards leave drive-bys.


Well-Known Member
lol some one - repped my callin me the N word for my post hahahah, shit is funny how people like to act over the internet when they kno damn well they wouldnt say shit to me :roll:
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