Come on in and meet Icky (ice kush) my firsst grow


Active Member
yeah she def has fired up over the last few days still not much height but dam she getting bushy for her height lol


Active Member
Hi all
time for another progress report pretty happy with icky wish she was a lil taller but dam she getting bushy

Topped Icky at the 4th node


Topped off reservoir
Increased ppm to 519
ph 5.9
water temp 23*c
room temp between 16.5*c and 28.9*c
Humidity averages around 40%
Raised Light


Active Member


Active Member
Hi all
ok things still going sorta ok got what i think is a cal/mag def ordered some cyco dr repair (as im using cyco products so figured keep it all same brand) sun night hopefully it will be here tomorrow thought it would have arrived by now :(



Icky showing signs of what i think is cal/mag def (dark green up centre of leaf and brown spots appearing)
Raised ppm up to 800ppm from 500ppm



Active Member
ok so the bad news is i am still waiting on my bottle of dr repair to arrive :(
the good news upping my parts ppm from 500 to 800 seems to be helping
gunna flush l8r today or tomorrow and refresh reservoir


Active Member
ok dr repair arrived to today :)
emptied reservoir and put in 40 litres of rain water 800ppm a+b veg dr repair oxy plus ph 6
2 bottom leafs look pretty bad but rest of plant looks really good

showing good signs of recovery just from upping the parts ppm

ok dr repair arrived to today :)
emptied reservoir and put in 40 litres of rain water 800ppm a+b veg dr repair(1ml per litre) oxy plus ph 6
2 bottom leafs look pretty bad but rest of plant looks really good


Well-Known Member
i love how you lst'd it great job! and that is an awesome pot lol
what does the water ring do, water the plant for you?


Active Member
cheers man i actually ended up with 4 colas but im waiting for the other 2 to get a bit bigger and i will tie them to
hopefully now im onto the def prob she will start getting some height she seems to want to grow wide rather than tall lol

yeah its just a ring with rows of holes in it thats attached the a feed pump in the reservoir they told me it was for a drip system but its actually flood and drain i only turn it on for like 2 to 3 mins at a time
they spose to encourage the roots to grow out to the sides rather than ball up so i was/am lead to believe


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if you water out around the outside the roots stretch out to get that water and don't congregate in the center choking themselves up.


Active Member
yeah its just a ring with rows of holes in it thats attached the a feed pump in the reservoir they told me it was for a drip system but its actually flood and drain i only turn it on for like 2 to 3 mins at a time
they spose to encourage the roots to grow out to the sides rather than ball up so i was/am lead to believe
sounds right...the roots grow while their not feeding...looking for more food...if the food is wide spread, or on the edges of the pots theyll spread that way looking for it...that water ring actually does sound like a decent idea


Well-Known Member
Works in that respect as long as the soil isn't completely drenched through by the time it is done. I think you want them to dry from the inside of the pot out so the roots keep stretching out to find new water and nutes. So the less water in the center the better. At least until the roots and spread throughout the pot.


Active Member
im not adding it thats what my ph is at lol
i read my last update u probly read it as oxy plus ph but its oxy plus and ph is at 6 lol