Come take a peek


Active Member
A couple of sadly missed friends. Mitch the black scruff was my friends dog but loved us and stayed here sometimes. Marvin the boxer my best friend in the world. i had him 10 yrs he had a great life and was a cool dog. No lead No collor EVERYONE knew him. Kids were allowed to play on the field as long as they had Marvin with them. He was a hero and sadly missed, i have a portrait of him on my right shoulder he is with me for life.



Active Member
just a few more of my girls. I chopped the chronic and replaced it with a power plant. The chronic has given me around 3/4 oz. I never properly weigh my gear as i dont really care as long as there is enough to tide me thru till next harvest.


Well-Known Member
just a few more of my girls. I chopped the chronic and replaced it with a power plant. The chronic has given me around 3/4 oz. I never properly weigh my gear as i dont really care as long as there is enough to tide me thru till next harvest.
"tide me thru till next harvest" ... amen brother!


New Member
looks great man and welcome to this community. It has a ton for people to get into even if they are already an established grower.

however might i add as well, if thats purpling in your stems on the chronic plants then you probbably have a (p) defficancy. No big deal really, but itll keep the girls from yielding what they could do...

So this is your third grow? really good for #3 man. and in a bathroom no doubt.


Well-Known Member
A couple of sadly missed friends. Mitch the black scruff was my friends dog but loved us and stayed here sometimes. Marvin the boxer my best friend in the world. i had him 10 yrs he had a great life and was a cool dog. No lead No collor EVERYONE knew him. Kids were allowed to play on the field as long as they had Marvin with them. He was a hero and sadly missed, i have a portrait of him on my right shoulder he is with me for life.
A poem i love reminds me of you and Marvin hope you and your boy like it:
i carry your heart with me by E. E. Cummings
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)


New Member
I know I know its all pics of the same plant. Sorry u guys but nowt goin on with the power plant just yet. The other russian is doin well at around 10 days behind the other.

damn i dont know what plant it is, but it looks a LOT fatter than the ones you put up when you started this thread. ima have to get me some cuttings of that shit.......looks nice. congrats


New Member
good job man. How many u got to a pot in there?
most people swear by only 1 per pot but as long as its the same strain i dont see too much competition between plants root systems.


Active Member
just one plant per pot buddy, i have experimented and found bigger is better. Gives the roots room to move n breath. I only now have up to 5 max and usually 3 min on the go. The yeild aint massive i know but anything around 4oz per plant with a yield less than every month shud keep me in stock and give me a couple of breaks too.