Come watch crybabies cry about gay rights!

That last asshole I posted just said he's willing to throw himself in a furnace before he accepts LGBT people as equal, in the name of Jesus, amen!

Go for it dude, I'll get the marshmallows :fire:

Nah, I'm not getting my marshmallows or weenies (snicker) anywhere NEAR the burning corpse of that devil....tainted meat!

I was honestly more surprised that he didn't speak with a southern/midwestern accent. Go figure, eh?
I don't have any interest in arguing what people should do in a utopic society. I don't inhabit that society, I live in the real world, and in the real world gay couples in America are still being discriminated against on the sole basis that they're gay

This is unacceptable

A gay person has the right to determine the use of THEIR body. Nobody should tell them they don't or forcibly remove their right to determine that. I think we agree on that.

Gay people don't have the right to determine how others will use their bodies or property though, nobody does.

Could you tell me where you think gay people get the right to determine how others will use their property and be forced to serve them on an involuntary basis?

Doesn't it seem a little contradictory on the one hand believing gay people have a right to self determine, but then also thinking other people don't have that right?

Sounds unacceptable and like a double standard.
That's fine, I can accept that, that's why I prefaced that post with "and maybe I was making an assumption.."..

Free Market - an economic system in which prices and wages are determined by unrestricted competition between businesses, without government regulation or fear of monopolies. market?s=t

I think it's important to use the standard definitions for words just so everybody is clear on what they mean

"Free Market" literally means "without government"

Your free market definition is wrong, in that it is incomplete and alludes to the idea that self governance isn't a governing factor.

In a free market, the transaction is governed by the people in it, not by an external forcibly intervening authoritarian entity. (coercion based government).

It means parties to a trade must be involved on mutual and peaceable basis and each leaves the trade satisfied or they can walk away from the interaction and seek that good or service elsewhere or not at all.

In a free market, the parties involved make the choices, not a "war lord(s)" with a government hat.
Free Market = exploitation Always has been

Free market = minorities are exploited
Free market = women are exploited
Free Market = anyone not like you is exploited

It is not fair, free or balanced because humans naturally exploit the other. Simple rules can start to change that.
Free Market = exploitation Always has been

Free market = minorities are exploited
Free market = women are exploited
Free Market = anyone not like you is exploited

It is not fair, free or balanced because humans naturally exploit the other. Simple rules can start to change that.

Except you're painfully wrong and may have confused a crony market with a free market. That is a common misconception.

In a free market, you have a choice to disengage if you can't reach mutual agreement with the other involved party.

In a free market a woman or a minority would be able to open a business without asking somebody else for permission.

In a free market, other people don't make your choices for you. That's why it's called a free market. In an unfree market (that which exists now) coercion is an acceptable means, which of course is unacceptable to any polite person.
Like kids on the playground, the little ones are abused by the bigger ones. That's a free market

Aren't humans neat?