
Papers are going to be filed against Comey for leaking documents. Now that he's is an admitted leaker and former head FBI he's going to be looked into. He's going to have to answer all sorts of questions. When did you start leaking? Did you leak on obama? Did you leak on Hillarys email scandal? What were your purposes for doing so? And as FBI director don't you know it's federal crime to leak unclassified documents? No less classified?

I hope he lands in the world of shit only he deserves. And while he's being prosecuted either legally or publicly let him stew on the fact he was Loretta lynches sock puppet. And cover up artist for Hillary!!
Papers are going to be filed against Comey for leaking documents. Now that he's is an admitted leaker and former head FBI he's going to be looked into. He's going to have to answer all sorts of questions. When did you start leaking? Did you leak on obama? Did you leak on Hillarys email scandal? What were your purposes for doing so? And as FBI director don't you know it's federal crime to leak unclassified documents? No less classified?

I hope he lands in the world of shit only he deserves. And while he's being prosecuted either legally or publicly let him stew on the fact he was Loretta lynches sock puppet. And cover up artist for Hillary!!

What law did he break again?
The thieving shit bag who gained political notoriety accusing Pres Obama of being a Kenyan, has been potus for just a few months. His administration is the subject of 5 separate investigations. He has uttered so many lies and embarrassingly idiotic statements that we have become numb to his repugnant ignorance and narcisscism. As a 60 year old he bragged about grabbing pussy because when you're famous you can do anything you want. He dines with Ted Nugent and sells weapons to folks who orchestrated 9/11. He wants to gut wall St regs and hasn't released his tax returns. His followers are whining about the witch hunt.

Trump is a witch, kkkhunts.
What law did he break again?
He admitted under oath he leaked government documents! His notes as director about meetings he had on the job are by definition government property. Hence he as FBI director knows leaking them to the public is a crime. But if you think he's a first time leaker. I've got ocean front property for you in North Dakota right near the border!
He admitted under oath he leaked government documents! His notes as director about meetings he had on the job are by definition government property. Hence he as FBI director knows leaking them to the public is a crime. But if you think he's a first time leaker. I've got ocean front property for you in North Dakota right near the border!

Lol, you're watching too much hannity, sigh. I can't believe they have him back on after pushing that Seth rich conspiracy.
He admitted under oath he leaked government documents! His notes as director about meetings he had on the job are by definition government property. Hence he as FBI director knows leaking them to the public is a crime. But if you think he's a first time leaker. I've got ocean front property for you in North Dakota right near the border!

Yep, hanñitys show verbatim, lmao. good cuck, now roll over boy!
The thieving shit bag who gained political notoriety accusing Pres Obama of being a Kenyan, has been potus for just a few months. His administration is the subject of 5 separate investigations. He has uttered so many lies and embarrassingly idiotic statements that we have become numb to his repugnant ignorance and narcisscism. As a 60 year old he bragged about grabbing pussy because when you're famous you can do anything you want. He dines with Ted Nugent and sells weapons to folks who orchestrated 9/11. He wants to gut wall St regs and hasn't released his tax returns. His followers are whining about the witch hunt.

Trump is a witch, kkkhunts.
Yeah this is the same guy who thought people who called him Barack Hussein Obama were racist. And no one leading up to his first election could use his middle name without the brand of a racist. That is until he put his hand on the Quran. Then it was OK to use his middle name. Good riddance!
Yeah this is the same guy who thought people who called him Barack Hussein Obama were racist. And no one leading up to his first election could use his middle name without the brand of a racist. That is until he put his hand on the Quran. Then it was OK to use his middle name. Good riddance!

Huh? Time to pour out the Budweiser and go to bed. Tomorrow you can go to work on actually making America great.
Yeah this is the same guy who thought people who called him Barack Hussein Obama were racist. And no one leading up to his first election could use his middle name without the brand of a racist. That is until he put his hand on the Quran. Then it was OK to use his middle name. Good riddance!

jackass. nursing an imbecile boner over someones name vs a tax evader who blows putin. Youre a fucking laughable kkkhunt
i do not know but i have learned 2 things so far today 1 James Comey is a leaker 2. As of the day Comey was fired Trump was not under investigation. Watches the DNC world crumble...

1. At the time of leaking his OWN memo to a friend, Comey was a citizen..while, all in theory belong to FBI, good luck with that. No one gives all their shit back, especially evidence that exonerates. He wanted to keep his hands on the original and I don't blame him one single bit. There may have been concern he wouldn't make it to a Congressional Hearing.

2. We knew Trump was NOT under PERSONAL investigation and it's easy to see where you get your news from- The LIAR in Chief. Wake up! I challenge you to live in the real world- or is the reality too much for you? Good! Welcome to adult life in America where wages are stagnant, goods are overpriced and wealthy get tax breaks off the backs of poor/middle classes.
Papers are going to be filed against Comey for leaking documents. Now that he's is an admitted leaker and former head FBI he's going to be looked into. He's going to have to answer all sorts of questions. When did you start leaking? Did you leak on obama? Did you leak on Hillarys email scandal? What were your purposes for doing so? And as FBI director don't you know it's federal crime to leak unclassified documents? No less classified?

I hope he lands in the world of shit only he deserves. And while he's being prosecuted either legally or publicly let him stew on the fact he was Loretta lynches sock puppet. And cover up artist for Hillary!!

Hmm, The Deer has been shot and tagged, but you believe it's not legal because it was brought down with a sling shot?
That was embarrassing. He really needs to step down. It was clear he was completely confused, had no idea what the hell he was talking about and trying to make a point so far out of touch with the facts that it defies belief.

I think his mind is gone. Completely.

I believe he was trying to make the connection: if the Russian investigation is continuing and campaign(s) are being investigated, how can you say Clinton (campaign) is no longer being investigated but Trump is? The DNC server issue.

He was a 'guest' on the committee..I guess he had a point to make and being senior senator they gave him the courtesy.

It was painful to see because the whole world was watching..I'm not a McCain fan, but I felt for him.

Edit: he's 80 and spent time held in captivity..he's had it very rough for those years that sped up his mental state. But nothing said 'old' man quite like that. I'm sorry to see it's how you loose your cred..on the flip, he would've deteriorated quickly as president had he been elected in 2008..we dodged that bullet, too. If this doesn't make a case for age limit, nothing does.
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I believe he was trying to make the connection: if the Russian investigation is continuing and campaign(s) are being investigated, how can you say Clinton (campaign) is no longer being investigated but Trump is? The DNC server issue.

He was a 'guest' on the committee..I guess he had a point to make and being senior senator they gave him the courtesy.

It was painful to watch because the whole world saw it.
Because they are separate cases. Clinton was found to have done nothing illegal. The trump campaign on the other hand, has a bumpy road ahead of them. My understanding from what Comey said is.. the emails thing is still going, but no case against Clinton
I believe he was trying to make the connection: if the Russian investigation is continuing and campaign(s) are being investigated, how can you say Clinton (campaign) is no longer being investigated but Trump is? The DNC server issue.

He was a 'guest' on the committee..I guess he had a point to make and being senior senator they gave him the courtesy.

It was painful to see because the whole world was watching..I'm not a McCain fan, but I felt for him.

It looked like he was sleeping before his turn to speak. just sayin.
2. We knew Trump was NOT under PERSONAL investigation and it's easy to see where you get your news from- The LIAR in Chief. Wake up! I challenge you to live in the real world- or is the reality too much for you? Good! Welcome to adult life in America where wages are stagnant, goods are overpriced and wealthy get tax breaks off the backs of poor/middle classes.
Way to blatantly lie since what June you all have been saying Trump and Putin are best buddies and they give each other hand jobs in the oval offices closet. So it is finally proven untrue and now you are trying to deny you believed it lol. Time to move out of mommies basement.