
1. They're HIS documents, not the governments.


Why are you people (republicans) so god damned stupid?

Why..oh, why..oh why:wall:

It's like the most basic of basic..:lol:

Trump is chomping at the bit..'I'm going to be making a statement very soon'..
You really think Trump believes that? His supporters might. But he knows he's only going downhill until the end

You have to know that kind of mentality..he thought getting rid of Comey, problem solved.

He thinks his ass is going to come out smelling like a rose.

Look at his buddy Meatloaf..I mean Tubby Bridgegate..who Trump forced to eat the WH meatloaf:lol: Tubby got off and his staff went to jail..add Trumps lizard brain and vindication..that equals 'home free'. See?

Tubby is a control freak to the Nth degree..nothing happens in NJ without him don't think he knew? He ordered it:wink:
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He admitted under oath he leaked government documents! His notes as director about meetings he had on the job are by definition government property. Hence he as FBI director knows leaking them to the public is a crime. But if you think he's a first time leaker. I've got ocean front property for you in North Dakota right near the border!

you are a retard. he did not leak the memo.

he was a private citizen who told his buddy about the recollections he had of his conversations with trump.

it is nice to see you so worried though.
Way to blatantly lie since what June you all have been saying Trump and Putin are best buddies and they give each other hand jobs in the oval offices closet. So it is finally proven untrue and now you are trying to deny you believed it lol. Time to move out of mommies basement.

wait, the russian collusion has been proven untrue? when does flynn get his job back then? when do they call off his criminal trial?

second, even if everything about russia were untrue (it isn't), it doesn't matter. trump told the FBI director to lay off of flynn. that is textbook obstruction of justice. and now trump is lying about obstructing justice too.
Claiming the moral high ground while also advocating for things which rely on the use of offensive force as a means indicates your philosophy is based in a contradiction.

I think you are irritated because you are unable to defend your premise and the more I point that out simply and concisely the more irritable you become.

You quoted my post and offered a few platitudes mixed in with self riteous liberal bullshit and tossed in a couple of personal insults. I asked you two simple questions which confused you and now you want to be left alone.

If your philosophy is so good, and I'm so dense why can't you answer a couple of questions about it and school me with your amazing intellect?

black people ordering lunch is not offensive force, you retard.

did segregation harm black people? yes or no.

no need for your "self riteous" segregationist bullshit, pedophile.
Papers are going to be filed against Comey for leaking documents. Now that he's is an admitted leaker and former head FBI he's going to be looked into. He's going to have to answer all sorts of questions. When did you start leaking? Did you leak on obama? Did you leak on Hillarys email scandal? What were your purposes for doing so? And as FBI director don't you know it's federal crime to leak unclassified documents? No less classified?

I hope he lands in the world of shit only he deserves. And while he's being prosecuted either legally or publicly let him stew on the fact he was Loretta lynches sock puppet. And cover up artist for Hillary!!
factually incorrect. a post that reflects the stunted ability to think. If facts were rain and truth were nutrients this post would be a wasteland and it's people dying of famine.
Russia is the new Benghazi, it will go nowhere. Impeach Trump for breaking Kathy and Comey! Unfair!
Yeah this is the same guy who thought people who called him Barack Hussein Obama were racist. And no one leading up to his first election could use his middle name without the brand of a racist. That is until he put his hand on the Quran. Then it was OK to use his middle name. Good riddance!

Still can't get over the fact that Obama was a great president. Meanwhile, Trump is a canker sore.
i'm sure michael flynn is relieved by your shittiest of shitty takes.

wait, nevermind, his ass is still headed for a criminal trial. so much for your shitty takes.
Have fun with Flynn, Maxine and I are going after Trump! Russia will not take down Trump, only Kathy and Comey can! If you're not freaking out over this shit, you aren't paying attention!! Impeach Trump!!!
Have fun with Flynn, Maxine and I are going after Trump! Russia will not take down Trump, only Kathy and Comey can! If you're not freaking out over this shit, you aren't paying attention!! Impeach Trump!!!

it's sad that you are still triggered by kathy griffin weeks later. not very alpha.

remember how the whitewater scandal turned into an impeachment over a cummy blue dress?

how long do you suppose it will take for the russian collusion investigation to turn into obstruction of justice (done, already there), money laundering, espionage, foreign agent registration violations, and RICO violations?

well, have fun hanging out with bravedave and not worrying about any of that.
FIFY. If it's not hairplugs, it's surgically transplanted hair off of his ass.
Shortly after calling into question President Trump's mental health on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe,' House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's own mental health came under scrutiny, as the 77-year-old California congresswoman referred to President Trump as "President Bush" and forgot what day of the week it is.

A reporter quickly helped her correct the gaffe, interjecting "Trump," but Pelosi appeared oblivious she slipped up.

An aide then emerged from the sidelines, passing Pelosi a note, notifying her she got the two presidents mixed up again.

Pelosi's confusion came just two hours after suggesting Trump was losing his mind. "I am concerned," she said on MSNBC, about Trump's "fitness for office."

"I think his family should be concerned about his health," Pelosi said. "The fact is that this is hopefully not reparable -- he’s the president of the United States."

"You mean you hope it is reparable?" Joe Scarborough asked, apparently confused.

"Yeah, yeah," she replied.

Asked if she had advise for Trump, she said, "go to sleep, get some sleep. Bring yourself to a place where your synapses are working."

During her weekly press conference, Pelosi not only became confused over who is president, but also what day of the week it is.

"I spoke with the speaker a week, a week and a couple days ago, about -- oh, no, just last Friday," she said. "What is today? Is it Friday again?"
