
Shortly after calling into question President Trump's mental health on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe,' House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's own mental health came under scrutiny, as the 77-year-old California congresswoman referred to President Trump as "President Bush" and forgot what day of the week it is.

A reporter quickly helped her correct the gaffe, interjecting "Trump," but Pelosi appeared oblivious she slipped up.

An aide then emerged from the sidelines, passing Pelosi a note, notifying her she got the two presidents mixed up again.

Pelosi's confusion came just two hours after suggesting Trump was losing his mind. "I am concerned," she said on MSNBC, about Trump's "fitness for office."

"I think his family should be concerned about his health," Pelosi said. "The fact is that this is hopefully not reparable -- he’s the president of the United States."

"You mean you hope it is reparable?" Joe Scarborough asked, apparently confused.

"Yeah, yeah," she replied.

Asked if she had advise for Trump, she said, "go to sleep, get some sleep. Bring yourself to a place where your synapses are working."

During her weekly press conference, Pelosi not only became confused over who is president, but also what day of the week it is.

"I spoke with the speaker a week, a week and a couple days ago, about -- oh, no, just last Friday," she said. "What is today? Is it Friday again?"

It's going to be really fun to make fun of you when Trump gets impeached.
trump said he would testify under oath about what comey just said. he won't, but here's how it would go down if he did.

Q: did you tell the russians that you fired comey to "relieve the great pressure" from the russia investigation?

A1: yes
consequence for A1: obstruction of justice

A2: no
consequence for A2: perjury
trump said he would testify under oath about what comey just said. he won't, but here's how it would go down if he did.

Q: did you tell the russians that you fired comey to "relieve the great pressure" from the russia investigation?

A1: yes
consequence for A1: obstruction of justice

A2: no
consequence for A2: perjury
Catch 22. Game, set, and match.

Any chance they could force him to testify?
Vanity fair mag

Can Hillary Clinton Please Go Quietly into the Night?
Clinton, who has grown increasingly public and vocal in recent weeks, appears ready to drive the bus again. But do we have to be the passengers?
Vanity fair mag

Can Hillary Clinton Please Go Quietly into the Night?
Clinton, who has grown increasingly public and vocal in recent weeks, appears ready to drive the bus again. But do we have to be the passengers?

you sound jealous that she got millions more votes than trump and every time she says anything it reminds you that she is more popular than trump.
black people ordering lunch is not offensive force, you retard.

did segregation harm black people? yes or no.

no need for your "self riteous" segregationist bullshit, pedophile.

Is a person(s) who you don't want to interact with who comes to your property and remains there even thought you prefer they don't, acting in a way which resembles offensive force? I'd say yes if you haven't attempted to impose on them in some way.

Isn't it obvious that forced segregation imposed by your nanny state was harmful to many people, blacks, whites etc. ?

The reason why is, it removed their individual ability to make mutual choices of who they would associate with. Any two people of any race who both wish to associate should not be prevented from doing so. Legislation which prevents people from associating who wish to or forces people to associate, even though one or both may not want to is essentially the same thing, as it assumes consent when none is actually given.

Also, you are a Poopy Pants and I am winning.
trump said he would testify under oath about what comey just said. he won't, but here's how it would go down if he did.

Q: did you tell the russians that you fired comey to "relieve the great pressure" from the russia investigation?

A1: yes
consequence for A1: obstruction of justice

A2: no
consequence for A2: perjury

And that's about it right there. But for a guy that's already started having his lawyer do the talking, I'm not going to hold my breath. The guy is treating the presidency like it's some kind of failed business venture he started up that he can settle out of court. Why am I not surprised?
And that's about it right there. But for a guy that's already started having his lawyer do the talking, I'm not going to hold my breath. The guy is treating the presidency like it's some kind of failed business venture he started up that he can settle out of court. Why am I not surprised?

And he has the only attorney (that he didn't stiff?) who's willing to work with.

Definitely quality representation. He's the kind that makes a lot of noise in which you settle because you want them to go away.

That's Donald Trump in a nutshell. He makes so much noise, you'll do anything to make them stop.
And he has the only attorney (that he didn't stiff?) who's willing to work with.

Definitely quality representation. He's the kind that makes a lot of noise in which you settle because you want them to go away.

That's Donald Trump in a nutshell. He makes so much noise, you'll do anything to make them stop.
Sounds like a Finshaggy lawsuit
Is a person(s) who you don't want to interact with who comes to your property and remains there even thought you prefer they don't, acting in a way which resembles offensive force? I'd say yes if you haven't attempted to impose on them in some way.

Isn't it obvious that forced segregation imposed by your nanny state was harmful to many people, blacks, whites etc. ?

The reason why is, it removed their individual ability to make mutual choices of who they would associate with. Any two people of any race who both wish to associate should not be prevented from doing so. Legislation which prevents people from associating who wish to or forces people to associate, even though one or both may not want to is essentially the same thing, as it assumes consent when none is actually given.

Also, you are a Poopy Pants and I am winning.

why can't you answer a simple yes or no question?

did segregation harm black people? yes or no.