Coming to a School near you, passwords made meaningless

You say some real stuff. Kids knew more about what this country really is about in 1960. Then Chomski's Semantic Intention bullshit, became the double-think for numbing down to dumb America.

Damn it Chomsky! The 60s were so great until you came along and made everyone stupid.
In the 1800s kids knew more.

Give me a fucking break

In the 1800 you had to learn Civics. You had to know how it all worked. You were tested on the Constitution. You were not inundated by the lies on TV. God was not on the currency or in the Pledge of Allegiance.

You didn't believe in Communism or New Age Religion. No such thing.
Kids may be smarter but the work ethic isn't what it was back when children were used on the farm and in factories. Now we expect to school them and let them play and suddenly expect them to work for a living and many think themselves above that.
Kids may be smarter but the work ethic isn't what it was back when children were used on the farm and in factories. Now we expect to school them and let them play and suddenly expect them to work for a living and many think themselves above that.

Hey SnapsProvolone.

Thats a very good post. Thats the truth the way I see it also. It gave a lot of jobs to the hard working latino's thats for sure.
So, you didn't ignore me. And I am the whinny bitch? You claimed I went the Mod, but they came to you. So you lied. Then you whined about that.

All you do is bitch and moan, spout the party line and provide no content,. you bozo.
When you are not being incoherent. You are crying like a little girl
And your solution is to defund education, put the kids in for profit schools that employ teachers without college education or certification.
And give minority kids the opportunity to fail even more in society.
All because your right wing overlords hate unions

Still no solution eh?? LOL!!! Status quo...

Do you understand the difference between profit and non-profit?? Cause you sure act like it is a big thing...
Kids may be smarter but the work ethic isn't what it was back when children were used on the farm and in factories. Now we expect to school them and let them play and suddenly expect them to work for a living and many think themselves above that.

I seem to remember the same thing being said for me when I was a kid and I turned out alright. I hope that it is just that generational thing where grandparents dont think the kids work hard enough but who knows?
@Doer meltdown
Kids may be smarter but the work ethic isn't what it was back when children were used on the farm and in factories. Now we expect to school them and let them play and suddenly expect them to work for a living and many think themselves above that.

I am trying my hardest to get my kids to be worker bees..but I have a wife that shackles me...Yes they are great with school but I cannot get them motivates to do something physcal for the life of me

Asian wife crew.... WHY YOU NO STUDY
I am trying my hardest to get my kids to be worker bees..but I have a wife that shackles me...Yes they are great with school but I cannot get them motivates to do something physcal for the life of me
You gotta take the out in the woods, away from the wife and teach them to live off the land a little.
You gotta take the out in the woods, away from the wife and teach them to live off the land a little.

My oldest one is the laziest...I can tell she is a lil chubster LOL...She complains when I tell her my Boxer has to walk her around the street 3X
My oldest one is the laziest...I can tell she is a lil chubster LOL...She complains when I tell her my Boxer has to walk her around the street 3X
They get bored easily with mundane tasks, typical for the age, just have to work that out of them before 12 or 13 or you're screwed.
They get bored easily with mundane tasks, typical for the age, just have to work that out of them before 12 or 13 or you're screwed.

Tell me about it. My 7 yr old is pretty active 11 yr old just wants to lay on her bed and read all night long....I should get her ass on my treadmill
You gotta take the out in the woods, away from the wife and teach them to live off the land a little.

I saw this thing about Alaska. This homesteader, took his 7 and 5 year old boys out, way down the river, and got out.
He had them pitch their little tent, and said if I don't return by morning, go back to the boat. OK.

So, he goes off, into the wood and circles back to the other side of the meadow, sets up and watches them all night.
They don't wake up when their bearwatch dog goes nuts, so he crosses over finds it was moose. So, he makes sure the moose moves off. Later, the kids wake up, pack the gear, wait around then move off in the entirely wrong direction.

The Dad, just circles around, acts like he just came on them and says, "Oh, good the boat is over here, but, you are moving away from it." <shrug> OK. The Dad said, outside their earshot, that he will do this every year until they can it right.

There is much more to learn than you can study for.

I have one idea for this. Boy Scouts.