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Well-Known Member
Ok guys so i just started my first "stealth" grow.

my first plant was planted about 30 days ago(middle pic). my second plant is about 6 days old.

So i started in an "open" closet. and came to the realization that i was in essence wasting light by not closing in my grow area.

so i made a small grow box out of a piece of cabinetry its about 3 1/2 feet tall with enough room for 2 plants i think. i have 3 42Watt CFL's, a 4 inch intake at the bottom of the box and a 4 inch outtake at the top inline with ther lighting. and i plan on lining the box with ??mylar?? next payday.

so now that you know a bit about my grow here are my questions.

my first plant(30days old) was very sick in the start cause im a newb. Thank god i didnt kill it! I was just wondering, The bottom leave are very yellow (only green tword the stem) i was wondering if i can remove these leaves so young.

my second question is.

i am going to try a scrog screen and LST but as i said i am very new to growning, and im afraid i will damage my plant.

i was told it is possible to grown 12/12 from seedling would this be a better idea for a new grower? or should i take my chances and ATLEAST LEARN from my scrog/LST trials?

thanks for any input in advance!



Well-Known Member
LOOOOOWWWEEEEERRRRR them lights lower them lights lower them lights!!!! to about an inch or two away from the tops of the plant. your using CFL light bulbs so the heat wont be too bad. they will grow broader and instead of stratch to the light.