comments on "Lowlife Autoflowering Hybrids"


Well-Known Member
you dont wana go growing autos in jiffy pellets as the roots can get all tangled up. with autos the important thing is how far down the main tap root is able to go..this is what is the decider for how tall theyl grow. what you want is a tall narrowish container. not narrow kz it needs to b just as long as its at least a foot.


Active Member
No, I was only using those to start the seeds. Once anything popped up out of the soil I was moving them. Nothing else fits in the seed starter kit I used.

I use 3 gal potting bags.


Well-Known Member
I grow lowriders AK47. Its fun, takes an average 77 days, stinks like cat piss, not very potent, but easy and always keeps you with a stash :)

I get between 1-2 O's per plant dry weight. Mostly its close to 2. First week flouros then I use 400w HPS 18/6 for the next 9 weeks. Molassas and water only for weeks 9 and 10.