Comments on security whats your ideas


Active Member
Whats are your opinions on keeping your operations secure cameras booby traps a cuddly pet ??

Heres mine, This here is kitty she lives in the house or in the green house, when its getting close to harvest She lets you in but you, need her permission.

"hey can you go call my cat just say here kitty kitty she'll come running"



Well-Known Member
very nice looking dog... bet she does a great job of watching over things...

me, i have 2 pits, a rot, and a rot/shep mix.... small security cameras on all 4 sides of the house.. and motion lights on the back and the front of the house... not to mention there is only one entrance to the house (the rest of the doors have been nailed shut)... pretty sure im safe now... lol


Active Member
same here 8 foot fences made from aluminum roofing the only way into backyard is through the house and me or over the fence to play with kitty. Plus i get to watch it all on motion cameras like you use for hunting. They work the best cause you can get the image on an sd card. and run them right on the pc wired to a hub.


Well-Known Member
the cameras i have are set up wirelessly to my computer.. which is nice.. and i also have it set up to alert my phone and a VERY select couple other people incase of a break in... that way it increases the chance of me or someone getting here while "they" are here... assuming the dogs have left anything for them....


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Whats are your opinions on keeping your operations secure cameras booby traps a cuddly pet ??

Heres mine, This here is kitty she lives in the house or in the green house, when its getting close to harvest She lets you in but you, need her permission.

"hey can you go call my cat just say here kitty kitty she'll come running"
i have 3 dogs, 4 secyrity cameras, and recorder, and a 9mm pistol if they get past asll that... that all i need..:hump:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
same here 8 foot fences made from aluminum roofing the only way into backyard is through the house and me or over the fence to play with kitty. Plus i get to watch it all on motion cameras like you use for hunting. They work the best cause you can get the image on an sd card. and run them right on the pc wired to a hub.
ya i aslso have two trail cmeras for hunting they work great also as long as you have the imfa red flash.:hump:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Haha pretty true though...and they will just shoot your dogs. That is so fucked up that they do that...
true but ill have there asses on tape and if they just starting shooting 1st at least ill have evidence to get ass in court.. :hump: its post all over my fences that this house is under video surveillance and is being recorded 24 hours a days.... :hump:


Active Member
Same here. All posted, " Dog Bites" "Beware of dog" and "This property under twenty four hour live video recorded surveilance" never had a problem. And besides i live were we got this thing called green harvest.

Green harvest is fucked.

They will find your plants and when they decide they want them they come in a helicopter and lower swat guys from ropes with machetes and they "harvest" your shit.

Below is an artical from the local paper...

"Statewide marijuana operation nets 8,000 plants worth $8M

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana][SIZE=-2][FONT=Trebuchet MS, Verdana][SIZE=-2]By Rod Ohira
Advertiser Staff Writer
Latest headlines by topic:
• Drug Enforcement Administration
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[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]
Law enforcement officials uprooted more than 8,000 marijuana plants valued at more than $8 million in a 10-day statewide operation that ended yesterday on Kaua'i.
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, police officers from four counties, Hawai'i Air National Guard, Coast Guard and state Department of Land & Natural Resources conducted the annual "Super Mission" operation, formerly known as "Green Harvest."
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]The sweep began last Tuesday on the Big Island, moved to Maui and Moloka'i over the weekend, O'ahu on Monday and Tuesday, and finished up on Kaua'i Wednesday and yesterday.
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]Narcotics/Vice Capt. Kerry Inouye of the Honolulu Police Department said 584 marijuana plants weighing 161 pounds were removed from various O'ahu sites. The plants ranged in size from seedlings to 4 feet, according to Inouye.
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]Based on the street value of $1,000 per plant, the haul on O'ahu was worth an estimated $584,000, Inouye said.
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]DEA officials declined yesterday to release a tally count on this year's operation; The Advertiser obtained totals from all but Maui County.
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]The largest haul came last week on the Big Island, although only figures from the East Hawai'i operation were immediately available.
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]The task force removed 6,298 marijuana plants last Tuesday and Wednesday in a sweep in East Hawai'i from Hamakua to Puna, officials said.
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]The two-day effort on Kaua'i yielded 1,060 plants, said Narcotics/Vice Lt. Michael Contrades.
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]"We're pleased the operation was very successful," Contrades said in a county news release yesterday.
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-1]Reach Rod Ohira at"

Besides all this i know i am legal, i have my permit and i keep my limit. I also have my permit number on the top of my greenhouse. never had cops do anything.

Its the locals i worry about they like wait till night before harvest and come "harvest um brah" They let you do the work and then sell your smoke. I have been through it once and made 8 grand of the home owners insurance. All I know now is that I will die protecting my house and family so they better think its worth the risk to get in here.

Happy growing everyone i gotta roll some widow I just dried up. Its the taste test...
