Comments or Suggestions for My First 200 Watt CFL grow


Well-Known Member
And I was reading up on the cure process. I know you're supposed to leave them closed for 12 hr periods the first two days, then burp for 2 hrs to let the moisture evaporate. Then you can leave the jars closed for the rest of the duration, correct?


Well-Known Member
yeah....once you get the moisture levels down to where you want can store the jars in a cool dark place, just check every once in a while for mildew or mold!


Well-Known Member
ok. is there like a certain period of time in between burps that still retains a good amount of moisture? I just know that the moisture there is all dank good moisture and I don't think it is enough to make it mold because I have definitely gotten wayyy wetter weed than this before with no mold. I think it is perfect so I'm thinking about just not opening for two weeks?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good plan :) Mine stayed nice and moist forever and I burped my jars everyday for like a! It was my first grow so I didn't want to stop smelling it...HAHA! If it's not hot and humid where you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, its not too hot around here. and I really just want that bud to marinate in what juice I left in the stems, which wasn't very much. Hopefully in a few weeks of not opening the jar it'll just b perrrfect bongsmilie. Thanks so much for all the help cali! Can't tell you how much you helped me w this grow! +rep


Well-Known Member
It was my pleasure ballaboyee ;) Hope you stick around to see my bubble gang grow!
You must be so happy :) Did I already ask you if your gonna be starting up another grow this year?


Well-Known Member
I am verrry happpyyyy. And Oh, I will see them! I actually just figured out how to subscribe to threads... so needless to say I'm subd to ur grow! it's lookin' delish! haha yes I am somewhat challenged. :wall:. ANyways, I have three beans I want to start REALLY bad this summer, but I am moving down South around Central California again, so I'm not sure if I will be able to grow while I'm living at home with the fam, although my parents have finally accepted my need for marijuana, I have a lil' sister I can't influence at home. But, my parents may allow it if I keep it on the stealth-like :razz:. We'll see how things turn out. But I might start an outdoor grow actually. I'm going to DOUSE them in neem at the beginning in veg so that no bugs find it tasty. Might grow some autos out on a friend's porch. Thunder Bloody Mary auto from Samsara is DEF goin down this summer! Only takes two months! and I'm thinking about topping it. Maybe get a few oz? hopefully in a 5 gal smart pot for air flow to the roots.


Well-Known Member
So, I took the buds out of jars briefly today, as I had access to a scale. Total with the Acid I got 12g and with the Strawberry I got a measly 4g :-(. Next time things will be different. First grow, with them bein knocked out of pots and all I'm pleased. At least I got a sac of Acid for a good price! And hopefully will be starting a grow sometime next week again with just my Thunder Bloody Mary Auto so stay tuned ladies and gents! By that that means you Cali haha, you're the only one that cares what I do around here!


Well-Known Member
You made me literally laugh my ass off and that's why I like you ballaboyee21. Your a funny SOB who is determined to grow his own medicine, and I respect that! You do have a green thumb, you just had problems and I though you dealt with them very well.

You grew what I just paid over $200 bucks for except I don't even know what it's called cuz the guy I got it from got it from a guy who got it from a!
Thunder Bloody Mary sounds INSANE! You CA guys are so many more options than me!