Commercial weed

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Well-Known Member
your whole story is funny dude.
you have jamican friends that will only buy shitty weed ... ok
so you need to grow only this certain type of shitty weed for them ... ok
its not different than growing any other type of mj

a good place to start is here

germination is step 1 :bigjoint:

Haa thanks mate but im not a complete newbie believe it or not.(i know how to grow mj).
I want to know how this shity weed is somehow got so low thc and comes compressed. ive seen kilos of this... its all compressed you can see where it was once buddy... and its all brown... you guys think its stupid for me to grow this. but u gotta understand.



Well-Known Member
Commercial weed is disgusting. I know the Jamaicans in my area spray that shit down with Raid or formaldehyde (used to preserve dead people) - both notably dangerous poisons - to increase potency. Yes it gets you high as hell because you are smoking shit that's not supposed to be on this earth in nature. If you really like that "couchlock" feeling, grow some nice indicas like white widow. Trust me. You do not want to put that complete ass into your body. It is VERY bad for you. If you grow that bagseed, it's likely you'll not get nearly as high because it's probably sprayed. That's the last of my 2 cents on that.


Well-Known Member
It is compressed because it is shipped in truck tires across the mexican border or in other stealth packaging through Florida. It's complete crap. You cannot grow it that way, man. If you want to sell it, buy that awful shit from your Jamaican buddies and sell it that way. In fact, they probably already sprayed it with poison for you. A pound shouldn't cost you much. Serious, though.. why?


Well-Known Member
you guys just dont understand.. I DONT SMOKE IT. ahaha this gets funnier everytime i get a reply..
lets just let this thread die out ok?


Well-Known Member
its low quality, thats why they dont get that stoned and function.. its probably also some kind of hybrid.. get some of the seeds, germ em, find a couple of females and grow as normal.. it will still come out better than when its uncured, packaged wet and compressed, but will be the same shit..

does that answer your question? i dont even know what you are asking.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like possibly roadside hemp, bricked and pressed. Sold hundreds of pounds of same in late 60's . . . wrapped in colored cellophane.
I never smoked any, so wouldn't know about the perceived buzz.


Well-Known Member
Haa thanks mate but im not a complete newbie believe it or not.(i know how to grow mj).
I want to know how this shity weed is somehow got so low thc and comes compressed. ive seen kilos of this... its all compressed you can see where it was once buddy... and its all brown... you guys think its stupid for me to grow this. but u gotta understand.

so you need to know how to make weed shitty ...
start with the seeds from jamica.
harvest early ....
hang dry for 2 weeks maybe longer and vacuum bag/ press it

again your whole plan is wtf ?
good weed is worth more
not that you should sell it any way:leaf:

jack tripper

Well-Known Member
ok, here is what you do. grow that stuff and when it's dry, vaccum seal it and then put it in a vice and compress it some more. throw it in your basement for a few months and in that time kick it around and smash it with a baseball bat...uh sorry a cricket bat a few times. then you should have what you are looking for.


Well-Known Member
Alotta people just like shitty pot so that they can smoke it like tobacco and function alil better than say smoking A++ bud. (not to mention cheaper) Take the seeds and grow outdoors without nutes or store bought fertilizer. Or go walk around the forests of Santa Cruz at harvest time - bound to find some that way.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Why dont you just buy that high times weed? That doesnt get you high either and you dont have to wait 3 months for it to grow. Do the math dude. There's no money in shitty weed. Figure 20 an 8th=160 an ounce (and thats being generous). Real weed pulls at least 40-50 an 8th. I say ditch these "jamacians" (I have never met a jamaican who accepted shit weed. I think your friends are yanking you) and find some actual customers that care about their weed if you want to make any money. Otherwise why bother? obviously these guys know where to buy that shitty stuff, so its not like they need another crap dealer floating around. That's my advice.


Well-Known Member
It is going to be hard competing with Mexico...

haha for real...
they dont compress it because people like it that way. they do it because it lets the get more across the border. there is absolutely no reason that you would want to do this. youd be wasting time. you can go buy shit weed in bulk for cheaper than a grow set up. grow some real pot and find some real customers.


Well-Known Member
Why start a thread talking about some Jamaican friends who like dirt weed? What do the Jamaicans have to do with it? Why ask how to make weed crappy? Why ask about dealing in a way that makes you look stupid?

Either he is really dumb, or he is just posting something that he thinks sounds cool and makes him look dumb.


Well-Known Member
i dont know how someone in the UK would grow that stuff. but the boys south of the border just throw about 40 or 50 thousand seeds into a field, come back in the fall and harvest early(or late, depends on the tequila supply), barely dry it before they compress it into bricks, and smuggle it however to wherever.

its brown because they usually dry it right out in the sun. this coupled with rough handling and absolutely no TLC during growing is why it has such low potency.

i imagine a person would have a hard time giving a crop this much neglect on a smaller scale.


New Member
haha threads like this are so gay.. "how can i become a dealer" or "help me be a dealer" etc etc..
I think its funny that the kid wants to know if there is a strain of weed that is brick weed.. like the fucking weed will grow compressed into a fucking brick..

get a fucking job son.


Active Member
haha thats funny, what you "like" the high of is called jamaican brick weed. or at least thats what its called around here. It comes compressed in huge bricks, when you unwrap it doesnt loose shape and its dirt brown. You have one thing right though, it does contain very very low THC. If i were to buy it (when hell freezes over) it would cost around 5-10 bucks for a quarter. lmao you need to try some real bud before you go choosing your favorites.


Well-Known Member
ok first off forget all this crap people are talking.

in miami we call this regs aka regular weed. ive sold a few pounds myself and i decided to try and grow some just for fun. its hard to find a viable seed because most of them are crushed when they compress it into a brick. that shit is compressed so hard you could knock someone out with it.

anyway this is what came from that seed. it was pretty chill smoke low thc but still good. but it will not be like regs unless you seed it and compress it into bricks.



Active Member
Im sure they have been introduced to that stuff already. They are experienced smokers.. but they aint like.. stoners.. they like this stuff couse of the low thc. your mind feels stoned.. but your body is active.... like.. your reactions are faster when you smoke this weed...

im stoned.. am i making sense?
First of all no they are not experienced smoker at all or they wouldnt enjoy smoking dirt lol. Second of all your mind is not stoned it is dizzy from inhaling straight foliage with "no thc" apparently. your body is active because you are not stoned or even high for that matter

your making no sense what soever due to lack of oxygen to your brain from smoking that s**t


Well-Known Member
you guys are fukin retarded some people like smoking regs because its chill. some people dont want to be stoned out of thier minds and some people dont have the money to buy crip so they buy regs.

leave the guy alone let him sell regs if he wants.


Active Member
you guys are fukin retarded some people like smoking regs because its chill. some people dont want to be stoned out of thier minds and some people dont have the money to buy crip so they buy regs.

leave the guy alone let him smoke regs if he wants.
if your so supportive of this guy why didnt you notice he DOESNT WANT TO SMOKE THIS SHIT. he wants to sell it to his "experienced smoker" jamaican friends and attempt to put Mexico out of the drug business lmao. Like the other guy said Theres no need for another shitty regs dealer in his town
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