Compact Fluorescent?


I have a 26W compact fluorescent light bulb in a desk lamp and it'll be a little while before I can get a higher powered bulb (a few weeks) and was wondering how long will I be able to use this 26W on a single plant? Also, if there is a cheaper alternative to a larger bulb, let me know :mrgreen: I'm only growing in a closet (3'x4').

Thanks, Sativuh


Depends on how close you can keep the bulb to the plant without burning it. Not long. Week or two and you'll probably get some mad stretching.


Well-Known Member
do you only have one lamp? if so...invest in a "y splitter" it costs about 3 bucks at my local home depot, and get another bulb for like 2-3 bucks, cool white and keep it 1-3 inches from the top of the seedling...even this won't be able to support it for too long...


Well-Known Member
n/m, you clarified it while i was still replying to the last one. that hps will work great but thats just the bulb there, you still need a ballast for it. you can get a 400w hps w/bulb and ballast from for about $120 if your short on cash.,


By high powered bulb I mean a bulb that is higher powered (e.g. more wattage) than what I'm currently using. When I said high powered I didn't mean HPS, I just meant stronger that what I had. What will I need to grow 1-3 plants in a 3'x4' area and roughly how much will it cost me?


Well-Known Member
how tall is the area? you might need to buy or make a cooltube for the hps if you get it and/or maybe hop down on size a bit and go with 250w but if its possible bigger is always better, how good is your ventilation? since i dont know how tall it is i really cant say anything more than that yet really.


The area is 10' tall and for ventilation I have two fans that I built into the wall, one pulling out old air and the other pushing new air.


Well-Known Member
shit dude, thats more than enough to use the 400w or 600w hps, i'd still cooltube it though so you can get the plants as close as possible.