Compact Fluorescents vs Fluorescent Tubes


Active Member
Hi guys, new to the forum.

Wondering what the experts think about CFL's. I set up two along with a 4' verilux fixture, and the 26w CFL's seem to be putting off more light than the tubes.

I wonder if anybody else has used CFL's exclusively. There seems to be more options for the size of the box you can use. Granted I only intend to use them for the veg stage.

Thanks for the feedback.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I dunno I feel like CFLs generate more lumens/sq. ft. I have a 4 ft. floro and each bulb is only 1910 lumens. That's not very much at all. But I guess they cover more area so in that regard their better.


Well-Known Member
welcome to the forum. The light you see isn't important, the light the plants see is. Tell us more about the Verilux bulbs, out put, color range, distance from the top of the plants, etc. A lot of folks in here have used cl's all the way through. Many of them have posted journals with pictures. Might want to check out a few. VV