complete newb question.


Active Member
first attempt at growin
bagseed some purple strain

which way do i plant the seed after germination, tap root down or up....ive heard down and ive hear up so the tap root goes up then curls down.
any help is appreciated rep+ for any helpers


Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter really, either way the plant will always sprout. If you just have to , then the tap root goes down, while the seed part goes up top.


Well-Known Member
huh? doesent matter? well from what ive always known the root goes DOWN. if you put it up the root will be exposed to light.


Well-Known Member
You are burying the whole damn thing in the dirt, its not going to see any light yet. You don't suppose somehow in nature the root side always landed down did you? Nope it didn't, but the plant itself will grow the root down every time guaranteed. Ever plant seed in a garden? You do not have to worry about which way is down, the plant somehow makes sure the root goes down on its own.


Well-Known Member
You are burying the whole damn thing in the dirt, its not going to see any light yet. You don't suppose somehow in nature the root side always landed down did you? Nope it didn't, but the plant itself will grow the root down every time guaranteed. Ever plant seed in a garden? You do not have to worry about which way is down, the plant somehow makes sure the root goes down on its own.
If he's germinating in tissue the tap root is already exposed so it should be planted down. If in soil you're right, the plant will figure it out.


Well-Known Member
You can tell I assumed it was dirt, that's why I noted as much in the very first sentence, thanks for the help.:-P:-P:-P


Well-Known Member
You can tell I assumed it was dirt, that's why I noted as much in the very first sentence, thanks for the help.:-P:-P:-P
I've germinated some seeds but I'm pretty much a clone guy. You can probably answer this question. Does the tap root come out of the pointy end or the round end?


Well-Known Member
You can tell I assumed it was dirt, that's why I noted as much in the very first sentence, thanks for the help.:-P:-P:-P
DOH! Never mind, they both come out of the same end. Testing my new batch of cannabutter tonight. Apparently it's GOOD.